c/* %W% latest revision %G% %U% */ subroutine TOTSIG( k0, scoul, sigl, xgam, lmax, nspin, nsex ) ******************************************************************************** implicit real*8 ( a-h , o-z ) real*8 k0 , Mp , MN dimension tbr(100,12), tbi(100,12), tr(100,12),ti(100,12) dimension scoul(100) dimension nifty(20) common /params/ hbarc, pi, Mp, MN, nz, na, nes, nwaves common /switch/ nifty common /inputs/ Tlab , b , ymin1 , ymin2 , xnang, $ kode , lxmax , ngp , nr common /Tcomn/ tr , ti , tbr , tbi ******************************************************************************** if ( nifty(6) .eq. 8 ) go to 542 sigel = 0. sigtot = 0. brnel = 0. brntot = 0. c *** total cross section summations c *** remove coulomb phase from trhs c *** n.b. the t*s still contain the short range part of the coulmb inte c *** so they are not pure nuclear c if (nifty(6) .eq. 8) go to 541 ***** milt please check ***************** 542 do 560 ldum = 1,lmax if ((nifty(10) .eq. 0) .OR. (nifty(10) .eq. 2)) go to 540 sigl = scoul(ldum) rhl5 = cos(2 * sigl) rhl6 = sin(2 * sigl) do 530 nspin = 1,2 trc = rhl5 * tr(ldum,nspin) + rhl6 * ti(ldum,nspin) tic = rhl5 * ti(ldum,nspin) - rhl6 * tr(ldum,nspin) tr(ldum,nspin) = trc ti(ldum,nspin) = tic 530 continue 540 continue sigtot = sigtot + ldum * ti(ldum,1) + (ldum - 1.) * ti(ldum,2) brntot = brntot + ldum * tbi(ldum,1) + $ (ldum - 1.) * tbi(ldum,2) sigel = sigel + ldum * (tr(ldum,1)**2 + ti(ldum,1)**2) + $ (ldum - 1.) * (tr(ldum,2)**2 + ti(ldum,2)**2) brnel = brnel + ldum * (tbr(ldum,1)**2 + tbi(ldum,1)**2) + $ (ldum - 1.) * (tbr(ldum,2)**2 + tbi(ldum,2)**2) 541 if (nsex .ne. 2) go to 560 c *** 2nd pass on charge exch,redefine t l = ldum np2m = 2 if (nifty(6) .eq. 8) np2m = 6 do 550 n = 1,np2m np2 = n + np2m tbr(l,n) = tbr(l,np2) tbi(l,n) = tbi(l,np2) tr(l,n) = tr(l,np2) ti(l,n) = ti(l,np2) 550 continue 560 continue if (nifty(6) .eq. 8) then return endif rhl = 10. * 4. * pi * (hbarc/k0)**2 sigtot = rhl * sigtot sigel = sigel * rhl brnel = brnel * rhl brntot = brntot * rhl rhl = sigtot - sigel write (6,1130) sigtot, sigel, rhl, Tlab, xgam, brntot, brnel RETURN c *** formats *** 1130 format (1h0,22htotal cross-section =,f10.3,9x,8helast , , $20hinel cross-section =,2f10.3//19h cross-sections in,22h milliba $rns ---------,25h energy(kinetic),gamcoul=,f10.1,e11.3/20h born a $pprox total =,f10.3,28h elastic sigma=,f10.3) end