Not too long ago, I was in a bus station in Greeley, Colorado. I had a long wait and no one was around, except for one old man sitting in front of a TV with a stack of leaflets on his lap. His cowboy hat was one of those mesh ones good for hot weather. The jeans and boots were a little worn. I strolled over and sat on the wood chair one over from his and took a look at him while the set had his attention. He wore a T-shirt that said, "Ask me about the Second Coming." So, when the show was over, I did. What about the second coming?" What?? -- Oh! the shirt. I've only been at this a month. I keep gesturing with the leaflets, forgetting to mention it to people. these things cost twelve cents each, so I'll just tell you "You've been living here 70 years. Why didn't you tell anyone?" "Well, after the last time, I figured I'd just lie low and mind my own business." "Why are you letting people know now?" "Well, it just kind of slipped out. I was sitting in the home feeling a little lonely and sorry for myself. "Of course nobody believed me, until one day alittle boy and a little girl got lost and wandered into my room. They wanted some kind of proof of my powers, so I made them carmel apples, and, since they'd never had them before, I had my first converts.." "So nowdoing the whole routine, gathering disciples and all that. I've got a book i've been working on, "It's called the flyfisherman of men. The best technique for luring new believers is when I get my teenage grand daughter to put on a mini-skirt and come with down to the mall." "My mother got the hell slapped out of her when her parents found out she was pregnant. So, I said, hell, I'll do it, I'm the son of god after all, and the secret was out." "I figured it would be a lot safer now that the democrats are back in power." rapture. WWII Floyd Smith.