program slave1 include '../include/fpvm3.h' c ------------------------------------------------------ c Example fortran program illustrating use of PVM 3 c ------------------------------------------------------ integer info, mytid, mtid, msgtype, me integer tids(0:32) double precision result, data(100) double precision work c Enroll this program in PVM call pvmfmytid( mytid ) c Get the master's task id call pvmfparent( mtid ) c ------- Begin user program -------- c Receive data from host msgtype = 1 call pvmfrecv( mtid, msgtype, info ) call pvmfunpack( INTEGER4, nproc, 1, 1, info ) call pvmfunpack( INTEGER4, tids, nproc, 1, info ) call pvmfunpack( INTEGER4, n, 1, 1, info ) call pvmfunpack( REAL8, data, n, 1, info ) c Determine which slave I am (0 -- nproc-1) do 5 i=0, nproc if( tids(i) .eq. mytid ) me = i 5 continue c Do calculations with data result = work( me, n, data, tids, nproc ) c Send result to host call pvmfinitsend( PVMDEFAULT, info ) call pvmfpack( INTEGER4, me, 1, 1, info ) call pvmfpack( REAL8, result, 1, 1, info ) msgtype = 2 call pvmfsend( mtid, msgtype, info ) c --------- End user program -------- c Program finished. Leave PVM before exiting call pvmfexit(info) stop end double precision function work( me, n, data, tids, nproc ) include '../include/fpvm3.h' c -------------------------------------- c Just a simple routine for illustration c -------------------------------------- double precision data(*), sum, psum integer i, n, me, inum integer tids(0:*) sum = 0.0 do 10 i=1,n sum = sum + me * data(i) 10 continue c ---------------------------------------- c Pass partial result to neighboring node c to illustrate node-to-node communication c ---------------------------------------- call pvmfinitsend( PVMDEFAULT, info ) call pvmfpack( REAL8, sum, 1, 1, info) inum = me+1 if( inum .eq. nproc ) inum = 0 call pvmfsend( tids(inum), 77, info ) call pvmfrecv( -1, 77, info ) call pvmfunpack( REAL8, psum, 1, 1, info) work = sum + psum return end