c/* %W% latest revision %G% %U% */ subroutine GetIns () ******************************************************************************** implicit real*8 ( a-h , o-z ) real*8 Mp , MN character*60 heading common /params/ hbarc, pi, Mp, MN, nz, na, nes, nwaves common /switch/ nifty(20) common /sizes/ achp, acmp, wsp, achn, acmn, wsn common /ranges/ rcoul, rcut common /inputs/ Tlab , b , ymin1 , ymin2 , xnang, $ kode , lxmax , ngp , nr c *** Open statements are standard FORTRAN 77 and may not be necessary c *** depending upon the operating system of the machine in which the c *** code is run. open(3,file='tape3',status='unknown',form='unformatted') c rhl mod 11/88 open(5,file='tape5',status='unknown') open(6,file='tape6',status='unknown') open(7,file='tape7',status='unknown') open(77,file='tape77',status='unknown') open(88,file='tape88',status='unknown') open(8,file='tape8',status='unknown') open(9,status='scratch',form='unformatted') ************ tm 08/13/91 open 11 *************** open(11,file='tape11',status='unknown') open(12,file='tape12',status='unknown') rewind 7 c *** Call to ctchsig necessary for Ridge to catch and ignore underflows *** c call ctchsig() c *** Mnuc here refers to nucleus mass, MN (in common) to nucleon c *** read momenta in centre _of_mass c *** nr <= 0 is nonrelativistic nr >= 0 relativistic case c *** > 4 for approximate klein-gordon c c rhl input change, Sun's cant read formatless c lb input change, Cyber's can read formatless read(5,500)heading 500 format(a60) write(6,600)heading 600 format(1h ,a60) read(5,*) nr, lxmax c1 format(2i5) write(6,605) nr, lxmax 605 format(1h ,'nr=',i3,' lmax=',i3) c *** ------------- read in lab kinetic energy read(5,*) Tlab write(6,610) Tlab 610 format(1h ,'Tlab=',f10.4) read(5,*) ngp, kode read(5,*) b, xnang, ymin1, ymin2 write(6,620)ngp,kode,b,xnang,ymin1,ymin2 620 format(1h ,'ngp=',i3,' kode=',i3,' b=',e12.4,' xnang=',f8.3, $ ' ymin1=',f5.2,' ymin2=',f5.2) c2 format(6f10.0) if (xnang .eq. 0.) then xnang = 3. write(6,*)' *** xnang changed to 3 ***' endif if ((ymin1 + ymin2) .eq. 0.) then ymin1 = -2. ymin2 = -4. write(6,*)' *** ymin1 changed to -2, ymin2 changed to -4 ***' endif if (ngp .le. 0) then write(6,*) 'Number of Gauss points cannot be less than one' stop endif c write(6,790) ngp c *** -----read in data read(5,*) achp, acmp, wsp, achn, acmn, wsn, rcoul, rcut write(6,630) achp, acmp, wsp, achn, acmn, wsn, rcoul, rcut 630 format(1h ,'achp=',f7.4,' acmp=',f7.4,' wsp=',f7.4, $ ' achn=',f7.4,' acmn=',f7.4,' wsn=',f7.4/ $ 1h ,' rcoul=',f7.4,' rcut=',f7.4) read(5,*) nz, na read(5,*) (nifty(n),n=1,20) c3 format(20i2) write(6,640) nz, na, (nifty(n),n=1,20) 640 format(1h ,'nz=',i3,' na=',i3,' nifty=',4(1x,5I1)) if (nifty(20) .gt. 1) then open(10,file='tape10',status='unknown') c write(10,741) nr,lxmax c write(10,770) Tlab c write(10,750) ngp, kode, b, xnang, ymin1, ymin2 c write(10,880) achp, acmp, wsp, achn, acmn, wsn c write(10,830) nz, na, (nifty(n),n=1,20) endif read(5,*) nes, nwaves write(6,650) nes, nwaves 650 format(1h ,'nes=',i5,' nwaves=',i3) if (nifty(20) .gt. 1) then c write(10,910) nes, nwaves endif c omit coulomb effects for neutron and cex calculations if(nifty(1).eq.9)then write(6,6055)'neutron' 6055 format(/1h ,' *** nifty(10) set to 0 (no coul) for ',A8,' ***'/) nifty(10)=0 else if(nifty(1).eq.-2.and.nifty(10).ne.0)then write(6,6056)' Cex ' 6056 format(/1h ,' ***',a8,'with coulomb distorted p amplitude'/) endif c *** print out nifty *** call PRNIF() c *** Square input size parameters for He3 (prevoius read in squared) if (na .eq. 3) then achp = achp * achp acmp = acmp * acmp wsp = wsp * wsp achn = achn * achn acmn = acmn * acmn wsn = wsn * wsn write(6,*)' *** input sized parameters squared for He3 ***' write(6,630) achp, acmp, wsp, achn, acmn, wsn endif RETURN c *** format statements *** c741 format (1h0,5i4) c750 format (1h ,i4,i3,e10.2,i4,2f5.2) c770 format (1h ,f10.4) 790 format (1h ,18hno of grid points=,i4) c830 format (1h ,2i5,1x,i2,i2,8i1,10i3) c880 format (1h ,8f10.4) c910 format (' nes, nwaves = ',2i5) end