One or several particles are randomly generated in the circumference,
and they take random gaussian walks (their lengths are also randomly
produced) in each step the direction (up, down, right or left) is selected
at random. If a particle hits one of the fixed particles inside the
circle it sticks. When the walk end and the particle does not hit another
one, it disappears and new ones are produced. The particles that
go out the circle are eliminated.
This model is used to simulated dendrite formation, electrolitic deposition
and other phenomena.
Start: Begins the simulation
Pause: Makes a pause in the simulation
Stop: Stops the simulation
Reset:Erases the particles inside the circle.
Num +: Increases the number of particles generated on the circumference
Num -: Decreases the number of particles generated on the circumference
The number of generated particles is in the box
To select several "seed" particles, click inside the circle.