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1) Install PCi card
a. Turn off power and unplug machine.
b. Install PCi card according to included instructions.
c. Turn on machine
2) Install SunPCi 1.2.2 driver
a. Download SunPCi 1.2.2 driver to the
space folder
b. Uncompress the file using: zcat *Z | tar xf -
c. Delete the compressed file
d. In root directory type: #/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /space
e. Delete SUNWspci folder from space
3) Install and Run Windows NT from diskimage
a. Download the diskimage from Manuel (not available yet, 2 Gigs!) to the space folder (diskimage contains NT 4 as well as all software)
b. Create an icon on the desktop for the file
/opt/SUNWspci/bin/sunpci (click and drag in file manager)
c. Double click on the sunpci icon (if it can't find the diskimage, check the pc/SunPC.ini file to be sure it contains the line "C
drive=//space/C.diskimage"). This should open up a PCi window.
4) Check and Configure NT
Bios should be version .059. If it is not, double click on /opt/SUNWspci/sunpciflash to update it.
a. Shared memory should be about 4 megs
b. Do not run in VGA mode unless non-VGA mode doesn't work
c. Administrator password is set to nothing, so change that immediately
d. Diplay adaptor setting should be "Sun Workstation Video"
e. Display setting fills the screen nicely at 1152x864
f. Set the IP address to an available address different from Solaris and inform Henri Jansen so that the nameserver can be updated
g. Rename the computer to the solaris name and add "-NT" in both network identification (all caps) and tcp/ip protocol (no caps)
h. Reboot the machine and perform typical tasks such as running a browser and printing