Subroutine wavfn (nspin,lmax,rmev) c *** see RH Landau, Program lpott, 1981 c wavfn calculates r space wf from r matrix and finverse c for all l s up to lmax at rmev (r in mev-1) and spin state nspin c ref(npt,l,nspin) imf(npt,l,nspin) the inverted matrix c rr(nspin,l) ri(nspin,l) the r matrix c reul(l,spin) aimul(l,nspin) the radial part of w.f.(withkr) c most arguments passed via Common nlspfl,with dummy filler w Implicit Real*8(a-h,k,i,o-y) Implicit Complex*16(z) Common /nlspfl/ reul(25,2),aimul(25,2),ref(25,25,2),imf(25,25,2), 1kk(34),rr(2,30),ri(2,30),fj(50),fc(30),gc(30),fpc(30),gpc(30), 2znorm(25,2),tr(2,30),ti(2,30),nifty(20) c data lcheck/-1/ zi = (0.,1.) If ( GoTo 100 c first call, Read in all fmatrices and store them for latter r valu lcheck = 1 Rewind 8 Read (8,230) nz,na,(nifty(n),n=1,20),e,xgam Read (8,240) achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn,rcoul,rcut Read (8,230) ngp,lstore n1 = ngp+1 If ( Write (6,210) lstore,lmax Read (8,250) (kk(n),n=1,n1) nspmax = 1 c Do loop over l Do 40 l=1,lstore If (nifty(6).eq.3) nspmax = 2 c Do loop over spin Do 30 nsp=1,nspmax znorm(l,nsp) = 0. Read (8,230) ldum,nspx Read (8,250) rr(nspx,l),ri(nspx,l),tr(nspx,l),ti(nspx,l) If (( Write (6,220) c Do loop over grid points Do 20 npt=1,n1 Read(8,250,end=10)ref(npt,l,nsp),imf(npt,l,nsp),rhl1,rhl2 If ((ref(npt,l,nsp).eq.rhl2).and.(imf(npt,l,nsp).eq.(- 1 rhl1))) GoTo 20 10 Write (6,220) nsp,l,npt,ref(npt,l,nsp),rhl1,imf(npt,l,nsp 1 ),rhl2 STOP 20 Continue 30 Continue 40 Continue c calc wf normalization by matching to outgoing coul or spbesl c first calcl denom then numerat Do 70 npt=1,n1 rhl = kk(npt)*rcut/197.3286 Call spbesl (lmax,rhl,fj) Do 60 l=1,lstore Do 50 nsp=1,nspmax zomega = na*(ref(npt,l,nsp)+zi*imf(npt,l,nsp))/ 1 (1.-zi*(rr(nsp,l)+zi*ri(nsp,l)))/(na-1.) If (npt.eq.n1) zomega = zomega-1./(na-1.) znorm(l,nsp) = znorm(l,nsp)+fj(l)*zomega 50 Continue 60 Continue 70 Continue c calc numerator eta = xgam If (nifty(10).ne.3) eta = 0. rhl = kk(n1)*rcut/197.3286 lcmax = lmax accur = 1.e-14 step = 999 nmin = 0 Call rcwfn (rhl,eta,nmin,lcmax,fc,fpc,gc,gpc,accur,step) Do 90 l=1,lstore Do 80 nsp=1,nspmax zidel = Sqrt(1-2*ti(nsp,l)+2*zi*tr(nsp,l)) rhl1 = zidel rhl2 = zi*zidel zminus = rhl1+zi*rhl2 zcos = (zidel+zminus)/2. zsin = (zidel-zminus)/2./zi znorm(l,nsp) = zidel*(zcos*fc(l)+zsin*gc(l))/rhl/znorm(l,nsp 1 ) 80 Continue 90 Continue c calculate wave function for l up to lstore,use jl l gt lstore 100 If ( GoTo 160 c Do loop over grid points Do 150 npt=1,n1 lCall = lmax+6 Call spbesl (lcall,rmev*kk(npt),fj) c Do loop over spin and partial waves Do 140 nsp=1,nspmax Do 130 l=1,lmax If ( GoTo 120 If ( GoTo 110 c intialize reul(l,nsp) = 0. aimul(l,nsp) = 0. 110 zomega = na*(ref(npt,l,nsp)+zi*imf(npt,l,nsp))/ 1 (1.-zi*(rr(nsp,l)+zi*ri(nsp,l)))/(na-1.) If (npt.eq.n1) zomega = zomega-1./(na-1.) If (nifty(3).eq.2) zomega = zomega*(na-1.)/na If ((nifty(3).eq.2.).and.(npt.eq.n1)) zomega = zomega+1./ 1 na zomega = zomega*znorm(l,nsp)*fj(l) reul(l,nsp) = reul(l,nsp)+zomega aimul(l,nsp) = aimul(l,nsp)-zi*zomega GoTo 130 c use undistored wabes for l gt lstore 120 If ( GoTo 130 reul(l,nsp) = fj(l) aimul(l,nsp) = 0. If (eta.eq.0.) GoTo 130 c use Coulomb waves rhl = kk(n1)*rmev lcmax = lmax Call rcwfn (rhl,eta,nmin,lcmax,fc,fpc,gc,gpc,accur,step) reul(l,nsp) = fc(l) 130 Continue 140 Continue 150 Continue c formats Return c use asympt form of waves for large r(gt rcut) 160 rhl = kk(n1)*rmev lcmax = lmax Call rcwfn (rhl,eta,nmin,lcmax,fc,fpc,gc,gpc,accur,step) Do 200 l=1,lmax Do 190 nsp=1,nspmax If (l.le.lstore) GoTo 170 c l gt lsore, use undistored waves zcos = 1. zsin = 0. zidel = 1. GoTo 180 170 zidel = Sqrt(1-2*ti(nsp,l)+2*zi*tr(nsp,l)) rhl1 = zidel rhl2 = zi*zidel zminus = rhl1+zi*rhl2 zcos = (zidel+zminus)/2. zsin = (zidel-zminus)/2./zi 180 zminus = zidel*(zcos*fc(l)+zsin*gc(l))/rhl reul(l,nsp) = zminus aimul(l,nsp) = -zi*zminus 190 Continue 200 Continue Return c 210 format (55h in wavfn lmax gt lstore,use plane wave for l gt lstore 1,2i5) 220 format (37h -----file Read error in wavfn or eof/39h nsp,l,n 1pt,refin,rhl1,imfin,rhl2=/3i5,4e20.7) 230 format (2i5,2x,i1,i2,8i1,10i3,f10.3,e13.6) 240 format (8f10.4) 250 format (5e16.7) End