This file should be in the Code subdirectory for LPOTT in_files Directory containing all the data and control files that get input during the running of lpott. out_files Directory to which output files are written. Also contains sample outputs. subs Directory of fortran and C source codes. The Fortran codes in Fold are orginal lpott subroutines. The codes in Fnew and Cnew are new, and small, programs added for the lab. run_script A script to execute or follow to run the program bunch_script A script that uses run_script to execute a number ("bunch") of runs of lpott. bell An executeable file that rings a bell as a signal. makefile A description of the steps needed to create program. This can be executed directly on a Unix system to compile/update/assemble the program. note.txt Private, should get rid of if all works Subs_list A list of all the subroutines needed. RHL, July2001