Subroutine harmnuc(q2,nff,ff1,ff2) c********************************************************************** c * c *** calculates Gaussian form factor for harmonic oscillator nuclei * c * c********************************************************************** Implicit Real*8(a-h,o-z) Real*8 imtij,mpi,mn Dimension nifty(20) Dimension bnuc(20), bnucf(20), bn(16), bnf(16) Dimension retij(14), imtij(14) Common /sec2/ bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,imtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz,nes 1 ,nwaves,nifty,na Common /sec4/ achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn **************** first executable ************************************** h2 = hbarc * hbarc c *** protons rhl = q2 * achp * achp/4./h2 rhl1 = acmp * acmp * q2/(6.0 * nz)/h2 ff1 = 0. If (rhl .lt. 150.0) ff1 = (1.-(nz-2.)*rhl1)*exp(-rhl) c *** divide out the proton form factor If (nifty(15) .eq. 0) ff1 = ff1 * (1.0 + q2/18.2/h2)**2 If (nff .eq. 1) Return c *** neutron matter form factor rhl = q2 * achn * achn/4./h2 rhl1 = acmn * acmn * q2/(6.0 * (na - nz))/h2 ff2 = 0. If (rhl .lt. 150.0) ff2 = (1.-(na-nz-2.)*rhl1)*exp(-rhl) c *** divide out the proton form factor If (nifty(15) .eq. 0) ff2 = ff2 * (1.0 + q2/18.2/h2)**2 Return End