Subroutine vabs (k,kp,k0,revl,imvl,nls) c *** see RH Landau, Program lpott, 1981 c sub to calc partial wave decomp of absortive contrib to opt pot c nifty(7)=3, the old case, i.e. c use spuller-measday params for pid-pp for e-dependence c now extented(6-77) to go beyond resonance c use empirical(atomic)values for zero energy (Read in via /absp/) c nifty(7)=4 use isobar model with different rhon,rhop possib c for he3 h3 special treatment with spin etc possible c then,first 3 params in sec4 are for magnetic, and last 3 for rho2 c nb these are a(mccarthy def)-p,b(mc carth def)-p, a(mcc)-n c the a s differ by factopr of 2 from h.o. param c , for given value of k0,the params are fixed Implicit Real*8 (a-h,i,k,m,o-z) Real*8 xcos(48),wt(48),revl(30,2),imvl(30,2),pl(30) Dimension nifty(20), bnuc(20), bnucf(20), bn(16), bnf(16), retij 1(14), imtij(14), ff(4), tofth(8), revofq(2), imvofq(2) Common /sec2/ bnuc,bn,bnucf,bnf,retij,imtij,hbarc,pi,mpi,mn,nz,nes 1,nwaves,nifty,na Common /sec4/ achp,acmp,wsp,amccp,bmccp,amccn/absp/b0r,b0i,c0r,c0i c c statement functions c data kold,md/0.,1875.63/ kcm2(ss) = (ss-(mpi+mn)**2)*(ss-(mpi-mn)**2)/4./ss eint(p1,p2) = Sqrt(mn2+(rhl1**2)*p1*p1*0.25+(rhl2**2)*p2*p2*0.25-0 1.5*rhl1*rhl2*p1*p2*x) softh(p1,p2) = mpi2+mn2+rhl1*p1*p1-rhl2*p1*p2*x+2.*Sqrt(mpi2+p1*p1 1)*eint(p1,p2) gs(p) = 776./(42.e04+p*p) gp(p) = 6.6e04*p/(8.18e04+p*p)**2 rho2f(a2,alpha) = exp(-q2*a2/8.)*(1.+alpha*a2*(12.-q2*a2)/8.+( 1(alpha*a2)**2)*(15.-2.5*q2*a2+0.0625*(q2*a2)**2)/16.) If (abs(1.-kold/k0).lt.1.e-03) GoTo 80 c first cal,set up constants and pts wts c absap only for pions If ( STOP rhl1 = (na+1.)/na rhl2 = (na-1.)/na rhl = na*(na-1.) rhl5 = na*na mpi2 = mpi*mpi mn2 = mn*mn Do 10 n=1,30 Do 10 j=1,2 revl(n,j) = 0. imvl(n,j) = 0. 10 Continue ppth = Sqrt(0.25*(mpi2+md*md)+0.5*md*mpi-mn2)/mpi c set up pts for costheta projection ncoss = 16 kold = k0 Call Gauss (ncoss,011,-1.d0,1.d0,xcos,wt) b = .6*(1.1/hbarc)*(na**(.33333)) If (nifty(16).ne.2) b = (achp+amccp)/2./hbarc c the rho**2 param are p and n average If ((na.eq.4).or.(na.eq.3)) b = 1.362/hbarc If ( b = 3./hbarc b2 = b*b alph = (na-4.)/6./b2 If ( alph = 0. c normalization for rho2 when rho(r) nornmalized to one anrho2 = 0.5/(pi**(1.5))/(b2*b)/(1.+1.5*alph*b2)**2/Sqrt(2.) epi = Sqrt(mpi2+k0*k0) enuc = Sqrt(mn*mn*na*na+k0*k0) c ftot If the reduced mass factor,need pi2 in lpt norm c the number of pairs is now seperate and mult latter ftot = epi*enuc/(epi+enuc) anlpt = -4.*pi*pi*pi/2./ftot/(2.*pi)**3 If (na.eq.13) rhl = rhl*12./13. c special calc for wood-saxon,Do rho2 numerically If (nifty(16).eq.2) anrho2 = 1. anorm = anrho2*anlpt*rhl jmax = 1 If (nifty(6).eq.3) jmax = 2 c block to calc energy dependce of b0 c0 c c calc pi d com momentum kpid,and p p com momentum pp If (nifty(7).eq.4) GoTo 70 ksave = k0 If ( GoTo 20 c ko gt low e expansion range,eval at kcut then scale k0 = 200. 20 ko = k0 ed = Sqrt(md*md+(2.*k0/na)**2) epi = Sqrt(mpi2+k0*ko) ftot = epi*ed/(epi+ed) s = (epi+ed)**2-(k0*(1.-2./na))**2 kpid2 = (s-(mpi+md)**2)*(s-(mpi-md)**2)/4./s/mpi2 kpid = Sqrt(kpid2) pp = Sqrt(0.25*s-mn2)/mpi c s wave energy depepndce ftotp = mpi*md/(mpi+md)/ftot imb = ((b0i)/(mpi**4))*((pp/ppth)**2)*ftotp imb = imb*(1.-.81*kpid+0.31*kpid2*(1.-kpid2)+0.505*kpid**3) reb = b0r*imb/(b0i+1.e-08) c pwave,,, nr=non resonant contribution imc = (c0i/mpi**6)*ftotp*((pp/ppth)**2)*(1.+1.67*kpid-kpid2) rec = c0r*imc/(c0i+1.e-08) If ( GoTo 60 c k0 gt kcut, use reesonace form for re im p,polynml for s Do 50 n=1,2 If (n.eq.1) GoTo 30 c 2nd time thru, redefine and scale k0 = ksave ko = k0 ed = Sqrt(md*md+(2.*k0/na)**2) epi = Sqrt(mpi2+k0*k0) ftot = epi*ed/(epi+ed) s = (epi+ed)**2-(k0*(1.-2./na))**2 kpid2 = (s-(mpi+md)**2)*(s-(mpi-md)**2)/4./s/mpi2 kpid = Sqrt(kpid2) pp = Sqrt(0.25*s-mn2)/mpi c first time thru or second 30 gamel = 0.6*((kpid)**3/(1.+kpid2)) gamr = 0.05*0.92*pp gamt = 0.92*(gamel/0.6+0.05*pp) rhl5 = (5./3.)*pi*((mpi*kpid)**(-2))*gamel*gamr/(((Sqrt(s)-2179 1 .)/mpi)**2+gamt*gamt/4.) rhl5 = rhl5*10.*hbarc**2 c scale s wave up rhl5 = rhl5*4 rhl6 = kpid*rhl5/4.+(2./3.)*pp*pp*(.26-.4*kpid+.08*kpid2) If ( rhl6 = 0. If (( Write (6,200) n,rhl5,rhl6 If (n.eq.2) GoTo 40 c 1st time thru imc = imc/(rhl5*ftot/kpid) imb = imb/(rhl6*ftot) GoTo 50 c 2nd tyme thru 40 imc = imc*ftot*rhl5/kpid imb = imb*ftot*rhl6 reb = imb*b0r/(b0i+1.e-08) rec = imc*c0r/(c0i+1.e-08) 50 Continue 60 Continue GoTo 80 c isobar calculation c can put partial wave decomp here,instead us c it as a function of theta,ie call tnuc for angle tf c intialize c no pairs for absp here, related to def of b0,c0,nb 1/4 70 nn = na-nz pairpp = 0. pairnn = 0. pairpn = nz*nn If (nifty(1).eq.1) pairpp = nz*(nz-1)/2. If (nifty(1).eq.0) pairnn = nn*(nn-1)/2. If ( GoTo 80 c special he3/h3 density part ( b refers to ho param) bp = amccp*2 bp2 = bp*bp bmccp2 = bmccp*bmccp/bp2 alphp = (bmccp2*4.)/(1.-6.*bmccp2) arhopp = 0.5/(pi**(1.5))/(bp2*bp)/(1.+1.5*alphp*bp2)**2/Sqrt(2.) alphn = 0. bbn = amccn*2. bbn2 = bbn*bbn bpn2 = bbn2*bp2/(bbn2+bp2) arhonn = 0.5/(pi**(1.5))/(bbn2*bbn)/Sqrt(2.) arhopn = 1./(bbn2*bbn)/(1.+1.5*alphp*bp2)/(2.*pi*(bp2+bbn2)/2./ 1bbn2)**1.5 c put lpt norm and no pairs and rho2 norm togerther arhopp = arhopp*pairpp*anlpt arhonn = arhonn*pairnn*anlpt arhopn = arhopn*pairpn*anlpt c params for vabs all stored for this k0, now calc vabs c 80 Do 90 n=1,nls Do 90 j=1,jmax revl(n,j) = 0. imvl(n,j) = 0. 90 Continue rhl3 = kp*kp+k*k rhl4 = 2.*kp*k c partial wave projection Do 190 ncos=1,ncoss x = xcos(ncos) q2 = abs(rhl3-rhl4*x) c check for rho**2 If (nifty(16).eq.2) GoTo 100 If (na.eq.3.and.nifty(7).eq.4) GoTo 130 If ((q2*b2/8.).ge.150.) GoTo 190 rho2 = rho2f(b2,alph) GoTo 110 c special calc for ca or other ehere Do rho**2 numercllly 100 nff = 4 Call ffact (q2,ff,nff) rho2 = ff(3) c calc pin com momentun 110 If (nifty(7).eq.4) GoTo 120 son = softh(k0,k0) sin = softh(k,kp) sout = softh(kp,k) kap02 = kcm2(son) kapp2 = kcm2(sout) kap2 = kcm2(sin) kap0 = Sqrt(kap02) kap = Sqrt(kap2) kapp = Sqrt(kapp2) facts = gs(kapp)*gs(kap)/gs(kap0)**2 factp = gp(kapp)*gp(kap)*k0*k0*x/gp(kap0)**2 revofq(1) = (reb*facts+rec*factp)*rho2*anorm imvofq(1) = (imb*facts+imc*factp)*rho2*anorm revofq(2) = 0. imvofq(2) = 0. GoTo 160 c isobar calc of absp for non he3 nucleus c non-a=3 nucleus c c code for tofth(j) for absp amplitudes c 1,2...pp noflip re,im 3, noflip re,im c 5,6...pp flip re,im 7, flip re,im 120 rhl6 = rho2*anorm/rhl5 rhopp = pairpp*rhl6/2. rhonn = pairnn*rhl6/2. rhopn = pairpn*rhl6 GoTo 140 c special 3he calc with isobar absp 130 rhopp = 0. rhonn = 0. rhopn = 0. kbypp = q2*bp2/8. kbynn = q2*bbn2/8. kbypn = q2*bp2*bbn2/(bp2+bbn2)/4. If ( rhopp = arhopp*rho2f(bp2,alphp) If ( rhonn = arhonn*rho2f(bbn2,alphn) If ( rhopn = arhopn*exp(-kbypn)*(1.+0.25*alphp*(6 1 .*bpn2-bpn2*bpn2*q2)) 140 Call tnucth (kp,k,k0,x,tofth,md) Do 150 j=1,jmax j4 = 4*(j-1) revofq(j) = (tofth(1+j4)*(rhopp+rhonn)+tofth(3+j4)*rhopn) imvofq(j) = (tofth(2+j4)*(rhopp+rhonn)+tofth(4+j4)*rhopn) 150 Continue 160 pl(1) = wt(ncos) pl(2) = x*wt(ncos) Do 180 j=1,jmax revl(1,j) = revl(1,j)+pl(1)*revofq(j) imvl(1,j) = imvl(1,j)+pl(1)*imvofq(j) revl(2,j) = revl(2,j)+pl(2)*revofq(j) imvl(2,j) = imvl(2,j)+pl(2)*imvofq(j) nn = nls-1 If ( GoTo 180 Do 170 n=2,nn g = x*pl(n) pl(n+1) = g-pl(n-1)+g-(g-pl(n-1))/n revl(n+1,j) = revl(n+1,j)+pl(n+1)*revofq(j) imvl(n+1,j) = imvl(n+1,j)+pl(n+1)*imvofq(j) 170 Continue 180 Continue 190 Continue If (( Write (6,210) k,imb,reb,imc,rec,(revl 1(n,1),imvl(n,1),revl(n,2),imvl(n,2),n=1,nls) Return c 200 format (17h n,sig(mb)p,sigs=,i5,2e15.3) 210 format (43h true 2n annihilation params for k(=kp=k0):, 1 50h imb,reb,imc,rec/ then, re, im vabs(l) flip+noflip,/, 2 f10.3,4e15.5,/,30(4e15.5/)) End