Subroutine tkpmar (kapo) c *** see RH Landau, Program lpott, 1981 Implicit Real*8 (a-h,o-z) Complex*16 f,finvrs Real*8 kapo,kap0,mpi,mn Dimension a(60), b(36), l(12), c(12) Common /sec2/ bnuc(20),bn(16),bnucf(20),bnf(16),t(14),tx(14),hbarc 1,pi,mpi,mn,nz,nes,nwaves,nifty(20),na c this Subroutine computes the scattering amplitudes c in scattering of kaons by nuclei c c are the parameters in the order s11 1,2/,p11/34/, c p13(56),s01( 7 8),p01(9 10),p03(11 12), c d13(13 14),d15(15 16),f15(17 18), c d03(19 20) ,d05 (21 22),f05(23 24) c data for l=0 for s; l=1 for p etc. is samer order as c a and b c data a/-4.411,8.227,-4.684,-5.622,6.058, 1-88.99,6.348,-17.96,385.4,-322.2, 2131.8,922.5,-3706.,4308.,-1656., 3-40.44,105.6,-109.2,49.15,-7.685, 432.79,-93.22,138.0,-141.2,78.04, 5-148.8,736.8,-2391.,3150.,-1379., 6-16730.,49640.,-51600.,18330.,0.0, 7-16480.,31200.,-11030.,-3861.,0.0, 8-86130.,116900.,-34300.,0.0,0.0, 9946.9,1145.,-6468.,4631.,0.0, a-8333.,33490.,-46810.,21000.,0.0, b100800.,-205900.,106000.,0.0,0.0/ data b/0.04681,0.4275,0.04227, 12.141,1.010,-2.463, 20.02872,6.975,-5.452, 3-0.4951,0.3532,0.3254, 4-0.4178,1.526,-0.4097, 53.956,-19.11,16.87, 61.400,-.9053,0.0, 713.08,-10.32,0.0, 8.4692,-5.670,0.0, 9.5173,1.623,0.0, a4.282,-.4003,.0, b1.788,.002683,0.0/,nint/0/ data l/0,1,1,0,1,1,2,2,3,2,2,3/ kap0 = kapo If ( GoTo 10 c first time initialize nint = 1 pz1 = (938.9264/139.576)**2 pz2 = (493.668/139.576)**2 t(13) = 0. t(14) = 0. tx(13) = 0. tx(14) = 0. pz7 = 4*(3.14159**2)*(139.576**2) n = 5 qmax = 727.0377158237/139.576 qin = 310.551636821/139.576 r3 = qmax-qin m = 3 10 q = kapo/139.576 jm = 0 jn = 0 If ( q = qmax c this loop computes the amplitudes corresponding c to the order:s11,p11,p13,s01,p01,p03,d13 c d15,f15,d03,d05,f05 enucl = Sqrt((q**2)+pz1) ekaon = Sqrt((q**2)+pz2) e = -(ekaon+enucl)/((ekaon*enucl)*pz7*q) Do 20 i=1,12 c(i) = (q**((2*l(i)+1)))/(1.+(q/qin)**(2*l(i)+1)) 20 Continue c the next loop computes the sum in eq 2.11 r5 = q-(qin) r4 = r5/r3 Do 50 i=1,12 sumn = 0. Do 30 n1=1,n n2 = n1+jn n3 = n1-1 sumn1 = (a(n2))*((q/(qmax))**n3) sumn = sumn+sumn1 30 Continue jn = jn+5 r = 0. Do 40 m1=1,m m2 = m1+jm r1 = ((r4)**m1)*(b(m2)) r = r+r1 40 Continue c last loop computes r in eq.2.13 c next index exhausts all values for the b s jm = jm+3 finrl = sumn/c(i) c to use the theta function finvim = -1. If ( finvim = -(1.+(r**2)) finvrs = cmplx(finrl,finvim) c f from formula 2.11 f = 1./finvrs tre = dReal(f) tim = dimag(f) t(i) = tre*e tx(i) = tim*e 50 Continue Call kmixup (bn,bnf,t,tx) Return End