Subroutine rhok (nff) c *** see RH Landau, Program lpott, 1981 c given a coordinate (r ) space density c sub rhok numerically calculates the partial wave amplitudes of the c form factor for a k + kp, and stortes them in Common/sec5 for c imax partial waves and nff f.f. s c n.b. this Doesnot Do spin distrbs, for he3 know ff*s so ok c given a coordinate saspace(r) dedensity c n.b. r is in mev-1 Implicit Real*8 (a-h,o-z) Real*8 rpt(48),wtr(48),r1,r2 Real*8 kp,k,achp,achn,acmp,acmn,rho,wsp,wsn,r,rhor,acheck Dimension rho(4,50), fjkp(60), fjk(60), pl(50), wt(2,50), rhor(4), 1 rnorm(4) Common /sec4/ achp,acmp,wsp,achn,acmn,wsn Common /sec5/ drho(4,50),rho,kp,k,imax ccc Equivalence (pl(1),fjk(1)), (wtr(1),drho(1,1)) c data fjk/60*0. /,ndata/0/,acheck/0./,rnorm/4*0. / anew = achp+achn+acmn+acmp+wsp+wsn If (( GoTo 30 c firtst call to rhok,set up roints,determine normalization nrs = 24 r = achp/197.32891 r2 = 5.*r r1 = 1.25*r*r2/(r2-1.25*r) Call Gauss (nrs,052,r1,r2,rpt,wtr) ndata = 1 acheck = anew Do 20 nr=1,nrs r = rpt(nr) Call rhoofr (r,rhor,nff) Do 10 j=1,nff wt(j,nr) = wtr(nr)*r*r*rhor(j)*4.*3.1415927 rnorm(j) = rnorm(j)+wt(j,nr) 10 Continue 20 Continue rnorm(3) = rnorm(1)**2 rnorm(4) = rnorm(2)**2 c r integration 30 Do 50 i=1,imax Do 40 j=1,nff drho(j,i) = 0. 40 Continue 50 Continue c ---- -major Do loop over r Do 90 nr=1,nrs r = rpt(nr) r1 = kp*r Call spbesl (imax,r1,fjkp) If (kp.eq.k) GoTo 60 r1 = k*r Call spbesl (imax,r1,fjk) 60 Do 80 i=1,imax rhl1 = fjkp(i) rhl2 = fjk(i) If (kp.eq.k) rhl2 = rhl1 Do 70 j=1,nff drho(j,i) = drho(j,i)+rhl1*rhl2*wt(j,nr) 70 Continue 80 Continue 90 Continue Do 110 i=1,imax Do 100 j=1,nff drho(j,i) = drho(j,i)*(2.*i-1.)/rnorm(j) 100 Continue 110 Continue Return End