#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Energy versus Temperature

""" From "COMPUTATIONHL PHYSICS" & "COMPUTER PROBLEMS in PHYSICS" by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (deceased). Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2020. Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work.""" """ A Molecular Dynamics simulation of 16 particles in a box. The particles interact via the Lennard Jones potential and thus the force: $$ \mathbf{f} (r) = \frac{48}{r^2} \left[\left( \frac{1}{r}\right)^{12} - \frac{1}{2} \left(\frac{1}{r} \right)^6 \right] \mathbf{r}. $$ The positions and velocities of the particles computed via Verlet-velocity algorithm: \begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{r}_i(t+h) & \simeq & \mathbf{r}_i(t) + h \mathbf{v}_i(t) + \frac{h^2} {2} \mathbf{F}_i(t) + \mbox{O}(h^3), \label{VV1}\\[6pt] \mathbf{v}_i(t+h) & \simeq & \mathbf{v}_i(t) + h \, \overline{\mathbf{a}(t)}+ \mbox{O}(h^2) \\[6pt] & \simeq &\mathbf{v}_i(t) + h \left[ \frac{\mathbf{F}_i(t+h)+\mathbf{F}_i(t)}{2} \right] + \mbox{O}(h^2). \label{VV2} \end{eqnarray} \item The specific capacity at constant volume is: $$ C_V= \frac{\partial E}{\partial T}\Bigr )_V $$ The program calculates Energy vs temp and $C_v$""" # In[1]: from vpython import * import numpy as np import random L=1 # side square time=5 #scene = display(width=400,height=400,range=(1.3) ) scenetemp = graph(xmin=0,xmax=80.0, width=400, height=400, xtitle='Temperature', ytitle='Total Energy', ymax=50,ymin=0, title="Total Energy vs Temperature" ) plotT=gcurve(color=color.blue) sceneEnergy=graph(x=400,xmin=0,xmax=80,ymax=1,ymin=0, width=400, height=400, xtitle='Temperature', ytitle='Cv', title="Heat capacity at constant Vol, vs T") plotCv=gcurve(color=color.cyan) plotPE=gcurve(color=color.magenta) plotTE=gcurve(color=color.cyan) Natom=16 # number of atoms #Nr=0 # number particles right side dt=1e-6 # time step positions=[] # position of atoms dN=[] # will contain atoms in right half at each tieme interval fr=[0]*(Natom) # atoms (spheres) fr2=[0]*(Natom) # second force ar=0.03 # radius of atom # a reference velocity h=0.02 factor=10**(-11.0) # for lennard jones deltaN=1 # for histogram Tem=[0]*(75) KE=[0]*(75) PtE=[0]*(75) def initcond(pref): # initial conditions Nr=0 vel=[] global pos for i in range (0,Natom): # initial positions and velocities col=vec(1.3*random.random(),1.3*random.random(),1.3*random.random()) x=2.*(L-ar)*random.random()-L+ar #positons of atoms y=2.*(L-ar)*random.random()-L+ar # in the border forbidden theta=2*pi*random.random() # select angle 0<=theta<= 2pi vx=pref*cos(theta) # x component velocity vy=pref*sin(theta) positions.append((x,y,0)) # add positions to list vel.append((vx,vy,0)) # add momentum to list posi=np.array(positions) # array with positions ddp=posi[i] if ddp[0]>=0 and ddp[0]<=L: # count initial atoms at right half Nr+=1 v=np.array(vel) # array of velocities return posi,v def sign(a, b): # sign function if (b >= 0.0): return abs(a) else: return - abs(a) def forces(fr): fr=[0]*(Natom) #PE=[0]*(Natom) PE=0 for i in range( 0, Natom-1 ): for j in range(i + 1, Natom): dr=posi[i]-posi[j] # relative position between particles if (abs(dr[0]) > L): # smallest distance from part.or image dr[0] = dr[0] - sign(2*L, dr[0]) # interact with closer image if (abs(dr[1]) > L): # same for y dr[1] = dr[1] - sign(2*L, dr[1]) #r2=mag2(dr) r2=dr[0]**2+dr[1]**2+dr[2]**2 if r2 < 0.02: # to avoid 0 denominator r2 = 0.03 # minimum distance between 2 atoms invr2 = 1./r2 # compute this factor fij =invr2*factor* 48.*(invr2**3 - 0.5) *invr2**3 # fr[i]=fij*dr+ fr[i] fr[j]=-fij*dr +fr[j] # lennard jones force PE = PE + factor* 4.*(invr2**3)*((invr2**3) - 1.) return fr,PE nn=0 # counter for velo in arange(0.5,20,1.0): #count=0 pref=velo posi,v=initcond(pref) for t in range (0,time): # time steps to make averages Nr=0 # begin at zero in each time v2=0 PE=0 for i in range(0,Natom): fr,potE=forces(fr) rate(500) dpos=posi[i] if dpos[0] <= -L: posi[i] = [dpos[0]+2*L,dpos[1],0] # x periodic boundary conditions if dpos[0] >= L: posi[i] = [dpos[0]-2*L,dpos[1],0] if dpos[1] <= -L: posi[i] = [dpos[0],dpos[1]+2*L,0] # y periodic boundary conditions if dpos[1] >= L: posi[i] = [dpos[0],dpos[1]-2*L,0] dpos=posi[i] if dpos[0]>0 and dpos[0]1: # forward difference derivative to find: Cv=dE/dT plotCv.plot(pos=(Tem[nn],(PtE[nn]+KE[nn]-PtE[nn-1]-KE[nn-1])/(Tem[nn]-Tem[nn-1]))) nn=nn+1 print("finished")