/* From: "A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS" by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007. Electronic Materials copyright: R Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2007; MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2007; and CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2007. Support by National Science Foundation */ // DWT.java: DUAB4 Wavelet TF; input=indata.dat, output=outdata.dat // sign = + 1: DWT, -1: InvDWT, 2**n input import java.io.*; public class DWT { static double c0, c1, c2, c3; // Global variables static int N = 1024, n; // 2^n data points public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter (new FileOutputStream("indata.dat"), true); PrintWriter q = new PrintWriter (new FileOutputStream("outdata.dat"), true); System.out.println("DWT: input = indata.dat, output = outdata.dat"); int i, dn; double xi, inxi; double f[] = new double[N + 1]; // Data vector inxi = 1./(double)(N); // For chirp 0 <= t <= 1 xi = 0. ; for ( i=1; i <= N; i++ ) { f[i] = chirp(xi); // Change for other signal xi = xi + inxi; w.println(" " + xi + " " + f[i] + " "); // Indata.dat } n = N; // number datapoints must = power of 2 pyram(f, n, 1); // DWTF (1 -> -1 for inverse) // pyram(f, n, -1); // (1 -> -1 for inverse) for (i=1; i <= N; i++ ) q.println(" " +i+ " " +f[i]+ " "); } // Main public static void pyram(double f[], int n, int sign) { // Pyramid int nd, nend; double sq3, fsq2; // sqrt(3), 4sqrt(2) if (n < 4) return; // Too few data sq3 = Math.sqrt(3); fsq2 = 4.*Math.sqrt(2); // DAUB4 coefficients c0 = (1. +sq3)/fsq2; c1 = (3. +sq3)/fsq2; c2 = (3.-sq3)/fsq2; c3 = (1.-sq3)/fsq2; nend = 4; // Controls output (1:1024, 2:512, etc) if (sign >= 0) for (nd=n; nd >= nend; nd /= 2) daube4(f, nd, sign); else for (nd=4; nd <= n; nd *= 2) daube4(f, nd, sign); } public static void daube4(double f[], int n, int sign) { /** Daubechies 4 DWT or 1/DWT * @param f[]: data containing DWT or 1/DWT * @param n: decimation after pyramidal algorithm * @param sign: >=0 for DWT, @param sign: < 0 for inverse TF */ double tr[] = new double [n + 1]; // Temporary variable int i, j, mp, mp1; if (n < 4) return; mp = n/2; mp1 = mp + 1; // Midpoint Midpoint +1 of array if (sign >= 0) { // DWT j = 1; for ( i = 1; j <= n-3; i++ ) { // Smooth then detailed filters tr[i] = c0*f[j] + c1*f[j + 1] + c2*f[j + 2] + c3*f[j + 3]; tr[i + mp] = c3*f[j] - c2*f[j + 1] + c1*f[j + 2] - c0*f[j + 3]; j += 2; // Downsampling } tr[i] = c0*f[n-1] + c1*f[n] + c2*f[1] + c3*f[2]; // Low tr[i + mp] = c3*f[n-1]-c2*f[n] + c1*f[1]-c0*f[2]; // High } else { // inverse DWT tr[1] = c2*f[mp] + c1*f[n] + c0*f[1] + c3*f[mp1]; // Low tr[2] = c3*f[mp]-c0*f[n] + c1*f[1]-c2*f[mp1]; // High for ( i=1, j=3; i < mp; i++ ) { tr[j] = c2*f[i] + c1*f[i + mp] + c0*f[i + 1] + c3*f[i + mp1]; j += 1; // upsamplig c coefficients tr[j] = c3*f[i]-c0*f[i + mp] + c1*f[i + 1]-c2*f[i + mp1]; j += 1; // upsampling d coefficients } // For } // Else for ( i=1; i <= n; i++ ) f[i] = tr[i]; // Copy TF in array } // Daube4 public static double chirp(double xi) {double y; y = Math.sin(60*xi*xi); return y;} } // Class