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§ 7.A.3: Saving and Exiting in vi

As with most editors, vi does actually change your file when as you enter the modifications. Instead, you work with a copy of your original file, and the modified copy replaces the original when you save the file.

In vi there are a number of ways (subcommands) to save files:

Because changes are permanent until you save (write) your file, if you make a major mistake while editing your file, it may be easier to abandon your editing and start again with the original file:

The exclamation point means really do it! Otherwise, vi tries to save you grief and won't let you quit until after you write.

Especially at first, a good idea is to save a temporary version of the file (just in case you did something useful with your editing, but are not sure):

We have only just brushed the surface of vi commands. If you would like to know more about the vi editor, there are command summaries available in "A Scientist's and Engineer's Guide to Workstations". You may also to use vi's own tutorial by typing :learn vi while in command mode.

Now let's look some more modern editors in the next section.

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