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§ 16.A: Compiling Fortran Programs

Once you have gone through the trouble of writing your Fortran program, you probably want to have it run. The most popular Fortran compiler is f77 (Fortran 77). The most basic use of f77 is demonstrated as follows:

> cd ~/development/prog
> f77 area.f

area.f is the name of the program you wish to compile. This command produces a file called a.out which is the executable program. To run it, you just type a.out and then the return key.
> a.out

a.out is not a very descriptive name. Fortunately, it is possible for the compiler to give the compiled code a new name. This is done with the -o flag. You use it after the compile line shown above, followed by the name you want the executable program to have.
> f77 area.f -o it-runs

This compiles your Fortran program into an executable called it-runs. To run it, simply type the name of the executable.
> it-runs

For some scientific programs, an additional library of mathematical functions called LAPACK is used. For a tutorial on how to use LAPACK routines, look at the PH 465 LAPACK tutorial.

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