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§ 23:  Multimedia

A hot buzzword in computing is multimedia. Multimedia consists of combining text, pictures, sound, animation, and even programming to present an idea. This tutorial is an example of multimedia.

In this section of the tutorial we discuss several ways you can use multimedia on a Unix workstation. Because multimedia relies heavily on applications, if you are not on the Physics Department Computer Cluster you may need to download some applications. Also, because sound, pictures and animation do not work well over telnet sessions, you will want to be working in an X Window when using this section. (Go ahead and minimize WebTerm or restart the tutorial using the "Read the Tutorial Text Using frames and JavaScript" option.)

We begin by discussing forms of multimedia you have probably used in your homework: equations, pictures and graphs. We will work our way through animation and sound, and will end with a brief look at Java programming.

  1. Displaying Equations
  2. Creating and Modifiying Pictures
  3. Creating Graphs from Data
  4. Using Sound to Illustrate Scientific Data
  5. Creating Animation
  6. A Brief Introduction to Internet Programming (Java)

23.A: Next Equations  22.C: Prev Converting LaTeX to HTML  Contents Contents