12.C.2 Next Reading a Message in Mail  12. Up email  12.C Prev Using Mail


§ 12.C.1: Composing Mail with Mail

Although it is possible to send and receive mail on the physics machines, please do all of your mailing through ucs. Thus, the first step to mail is to telnet to the ucs machine. When logged in to your terminal type telnet ucs.

> telnet ucs

Follow the prompts and enter your user-id and your password.

Mail is different from pine in that you do all of your commands and writing from the prompt. On both the physics cluster and the ucs mainframe, this means that you cannot edit a previous line of text.In other words, once the return key has been hit, that line of text is untouchable. Let's write a quick message. Type mail your-user-name at the ucs prompt. Where your-user-name is the user id that you were given by ucs.

> mail 'your-user-name'

Now start typing your message. When your done, press the following key sequence of characters: ctrl-d. For example:

> mail schlattb
This is the message I'm writing myself.

ctrl d

After you press ctrl-d the message is automatically sent and you should get the ucs prompt back. To see what this message will look like on the screen, go to the next section.

12.C.2 Next Reading a Message in Mail  12. Up email  12.C Prev Using Mail