Oregon State University Computational Physics - Landau Research Group

Coping with Unix

An Interactive Survival Kit

What is it?
An interactive tutorial designed for the novice Unix user. Provides step by step instructions on how to perform basic tasks. As the sections are completed, the user takes quizzes. Upon completing the basic sections, the user creates his or her own home page. It is expected that a typical user will take two hours--two days to complete the basic tutorial.  The tutorials contain some information which is specific the Physics Department at Oregon State University. 

This tutorial is designed for a browser capable of handling frames and running Java.

Who is it for?
New users on a Departmental Unix Cluster and anyone else who would like to learn UNIX over the World Wide Web.
Supported by:
A US National Science Foundation curriculum and laboratory development grant at OSU, a DOE/Nuclear Physics Division grant at OSU, student fees at OSU, and the Landau Research Group.
Basic Sections   Specialized Sections
1. How to Use this Tutorial   14. Manipulating Files
2. Accessing Your Account   15. Looking Thru X Windows
3.Using a Workstation Cluster   16. Customizing Your Workspace
4. Courtesy, Ethics and Security   17. Editing with emacs
5. Managing Files and Directories   18. Maple
6. Viewing Files   19. Running C Programs
7. Editing Files   20. Running Fortran Programs
8. The Internet: Netscape and News   21. Running C and Fortran Together
9. Printing   22. LaTeX for Scientific Documents
10. Getting Help   23. Multimedia(Draw, Publish,
Sound, Action)
11. Working on Multiple Machines
  24. Unix Power Tools
12. Mail   25. Parallel Computing
13. Final Exam   26. Appendix A: Sample Toolbox
  27. Appendix B: Sample Dot Files
How do I start?