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§ 11.C:  The File Transfer Protocol ftp

One of the most popular ways to transfer files from one computer to another is with the file transfer protocol ftp. The computer you connect to is "remote", the computer you connect from is "local". Go ahead, ftp to ucs now: You should get a response like:

Go ahead and login by typing your username in the "Name" field (if your username is the same on both machines, you can just enter [return]]. Enter your password as requested. Once logged in, the remote Unix responds and then ftp takes over (as indicted by the special prompt ftp>): If you enter your password incorrectly, Unix will respond with:

While this may look like you are logged in and ready to go, ftp will not let you do a thing until you get your account in order. Your choice is either to "quit" (or bye):

or you can enter the user subcommand to re-enter your username: