README_animate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- README file for Animations_ColorImages subdirectory on the CD containing electronic enhancements for the book: "A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS" by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008. The electronic materials were developed with support from the US National Science Foundation. Copyright for them are held by RH Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2008; MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2008; and CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2008. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL NOTES: Files ending in .mpg (mpeg), .avi, or .fli are movies (animations), each in a different format. The .mpg movies can be viewed by most of the popular movie players, although some players may not show the entire image. --- For Windows and Macs, these include: Real Player Windows Media Player QuickTime Player VLC. **We recommend VLC because it appears to accept the largest number of file types.** All .avi files can be viewed with VLC, and most with the other players, although laplace.avi runs only with VLC (however we give an mpg version that runs universally, but is of lower quality). The file slit.fli can be viewed with Quicktime, either directly or via a browser plugin, but not with the other players. --- For Linux, in particular SUSE, useful movie players include: Totem Movie Player Kaffeine MPlayer VLC Konquerer (browser/file manager). The .fli files can be played by MPlayer, but not others. The .avi files opened with all players. ---------- Files ending in .gif are animated gifs (generally .gif files are not animated, but those on the CD are). Animated gifs can be viewed with media players or browsers. They are generally of lower quality than avi or mpeg movies, but are smaller. The .pdf files are still images. They can be opened with Acrobat enabled browsers. The .bmp files are bitmap images and can be viewed with picture viewers such as IrfanView, PictureViewer, or Konqueror (Linux). ====================================================================================== 2Dsoliton (dir) 2dsol.mpg tdsmall.mpg twodsol1.pdf twodsol10.pdf twodsol2.pdf twodsol3.pdf twodsol4.pdf twodsol5.pdf twodsol6.pdf twodsol7.pdf twodsol8.pdf twodsol8.pdf twodsol9.pdf TwodsolDX (dir) 2-D soliton (Sine-Gordon equation) color animation (tdsmall.mpg) and individual frames of animation (.pdf files). The subdirectory TwodsolDX contains the components for an OpenDX animation (you need OpenDX running to view). TwodsolDX (dir in 2Dsoliton) [Used in the creation of an animation with OpenDX] twodsol001.general twodsol002.general twodsol003.general twodsol004.general twodsol005.general twodsol006.general twodsol007.general twodsol008.general twodsol009.general twodsol010.general twodsol10.dat twodsol100.dat twodsol20.dat twodsol30.dat twodsol40.dat twodsol50.dat twodsol60.dat twodsol70.dat twodsol80.dat twodsol90.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoublePendulum (dir) DoublePend.mpg mode1.mpg mode2.mpg neat.mpg nomode.mpg twopendulums.mpg A number of .mpg movies of the different modes of a realistic double pendulum and of the motion of two realistic pendulums (twopendulums.mpg). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fractals (dir) Fractal Growth.mpg Islands.pov (Pov-Ray source code) Pollock.pdf An .mpg movie of fractal growth, a PovRay source file used to create fractal images, and a .pdf picture of Pollock #8, useful for fractal analysis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laplace (dir) laplace.avi laplace.mpg An .avi and an .mpg movie created with OpenDX of the electric potential of a finite size capacitor with a variable voltage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MD (dir) 2-D animations (.avi and .gif) of molecular dynamic simulations. The numbers 25 and 100 on the files indicate the number of particles in the simulations. md2d_100.avi MD2d_25particles.avi MDanimate2D4particle.gif -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waves (dir) AnimationGaussianWave.gif CatFriction.gif CatWave.gif MapleWaveMovie (dir) ShockAnnimation.gif SolitonAnimation.gif SolitonCrossAnimation.gif TwoSlitDiffraction (dir) Utilities (dir) Animated .gif files: AnimationGaussianWave; 2-D Gaussian wave packet on a membrane CatFriction, CatWave: 1-D waves on a catenary with & without friction ShockAnimation: 1-D shock wave formation SolitonAnimation; 1-D soliton formation SolitonCrossAnimation: two solitons crossing TwoSlitDiffraction (dir): subdirectory of Waves containing an .mpg and a .fli visualization of quantum wave packets passing through two slits: 2slits.mpg AnimationDiffraction.gif Slit.fli SlitDX (dir) AnimationDiffraction shows one-slit diffraction and reflection off surrounding box.) The subdirectory "SlitDX" contains the files used to create an OpenDX animation (needs OpenDX running to view). Utilities (dir): a subdirectory of Waves containing a script and a data file used to create .gif animation of quantum wave packets with gnuplot. MakeGifs.script samp_colormap MapleWaveMovie (dir): Subdirectory of Waves containing animations and visualizations (.bmp) of waves on a catenary. The Java, C, and Maple files used to create the animations are also given: CatMoview.gif eqstring.c function.dat function2.dat wave.mws wave_1_u(x).gif wave_1_y(x).gif wave_1_y(x)_3d.bmp wave_1_y(x)_3d.gif wave_2_1_y(x).gif wave_2_2_y(x).gif wave_2_y(x)_3d_normal.bmp wave_2_y(x)_3d_normal.gif wave_2_y(x)_3d_smallamp.bmp wave_2_y(x)_3d_smallamp.gif wave_friction_1_y(x).gif wave_friction_2_y(x).gif