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Quantum Eigenvalue

\n", "

\n", " A nucleon is bound in a square well potential. Using solutions\n", " of Schrödinger equations from the left and from the right of the well, the bisection algorithm is used to search for an energy at which the log derivatives match, i.e. $\\Delta$ vanishes:\n", " \n", " $$\n", "\\Delta (E,x) = \\left. \\frac{\\psi'_L(x)/\\psi_L(x) -\n", "\\psi'_R(x)/\\psi_R(x)}{\\psi'_L(x)/\\psi_L(x)\n", " + \\psi'_R(x)/\\psi_R(x) }\\right|_{x=x_{match}} \n", " $$ " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "deletable": true, "editable": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "

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# Initial left wf\n", " y[1] = y[0]*sqrt(-E*0.4829) \n", " for ix in range(0,nL + 1):\n", " x = h * (ix -n_steps/2)\n", " rk4(x, y, h, 2, E)\n", " left = y[1]/y[0] # Log derivative\n", " y[0] = 1.E-15; # For even; reverse for odd\n", " y[1] = -y[0]*sqrt(-E*0.4829) # Initialize R wf\n", " for ix in range( n_steps,nL+1,-1):\n", " x = h*(ix+1-n_steps/2)\n", " rk4(x,y, -h, 2, E)\n", " right = y[1]/y[0] # Log derivative\n", " return( (left - right)/(left + right) )\n", "\t\t\n", "def plot(E, h): # Repeat integrations for plot\n", " x = 0. \n", " n_steps = 1501 # # integration steps\n", " y = np.zeros((2),float)\n", " yL = np.zeros((2,505),float) \n", " i_match = 500 # Matching point\n", " nL = i_match + 1; \n", " y[0] = 1.E-40 # Initial left wf\n", " y[1] = -sqrt(-E*0.4829) *y[0]\n", " for ix in range(0,nL+1): \n", " yL[0][ix] = y[0]\n", " yL[1][ix] = y[1]\n", " x = h * (ix -n_steps/2)\n", " rk4(x, y, h, 2, E)\n", " y[0] = -1.E-15 # For even; reverse for odd\n", " y[1] = -sqrt(-E*0.4829)*y[0]\n", " j=0\n", " Rwf.clear() \n", " for ix in range(n_steps -1,nL + 2,-1): # right WF\n", " x = h * (ix + 1 -n_steps/2) # Integrate in\n", " rk4(x, y, -h, 2, E)\n", " Rwf.append(pos =vec( 2.*(ix + 1 -n_steps/2)-500.0, \n", " y[0]*35e-9 +200,0)) #plot new\n", " Rwf.visible=True #make visible new\n", " j +=1\n", " x = x-h \n", " normL = y[0]/yL[0][nL]\n", " j=0\n", " Lwf.clear() #erase previous plot left\n", " # Renormalize L wf & derivative\n", " for ix in range(0,nL+1):\n", " x = h * (ix-n_steps/2 + 1) \n", " y[0] = yL[0][ix]*normL \n", " y[1] = yL[1][ix]*normL\n", " Lwf.append(pos =vec( 2.*(ix -n_steps/2+1)-500.0,\n", " y[0]*35e-9+200,0)) # Factor for scale\n", " Lwf.visible=True\n", " j +=1\n", " \n", "for count in range(0,count_max+1):\n", " rate(1) # Slow rate to show changes\n", " # Iteration loop\n", " E = (Emax + Emin)/2. # Divide E range\n", " Diff = diff(E, h) \n", " if (diff(Emax, h)*Diff > 0): Emax = E # Bisection algor\n", " else: Emin = E \n", " if ( abs(Diff) < eps ): break\n", " if count >3: # First iterates too irregular\n", " rate(4)\n", " plot(E, h)\n", " elabel = label(pos=vec(700, 400,0), text='E=', box=0)\n", " elabel.text = 'E=%13.10f' %E\n", " ilabel = label(pos=vec(700, 600,0), text='istep=', box=0)\n", " ilabel.text = 'istep=%4s' %count\n", "elabel = label(pos=vec(700, 400,0), text='E=', box=0) # Last iteration\n", "elabel.text = 'E=%13.10f' %E\n", "ilabel = label(pos=vec(700, 600,0), text='istep=', box=0)\n", "ilabel.text = 'istep=%4s' %count\n", " \n", "print(\"Final eigenvalue E = \",E)\n", "print(\"iterations, max = \",count)" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 2", "language": "python", "name": "python2" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.13" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }