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Quantum Scattering from Three Disks, Vpython

\n", "\n", "The time dependent Schroedinger\n", "equation \n", "$$\n", "i\\hbar \\frac {\\partial \\psi(x,z)}{\\partial t} = -\\frac{\\hbar^2}{2m} \\Bigl ( \\frac{\\partial^2 \\psi(x,z)}{\\partial x^2} + \\frac{\\partial^2 \\psi(x,z)}{\\partial z^2}\\Bigr )\n", "+ V(x,z) \\psi \n", "$$\n", "is solved for scattering of the Gaussian wave packet\n", "$$\n", "\\psi(x,z) = \\exp(i(k_0 x +k_1 z))\\exp(-A(x-x_i)^2-A(z-z_i)^2) \n", "$$ from three disks fixed to the vertices of an equilateral triangle. " ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "deletable": true, "editable": true }, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
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int (90.*sqrt(3)/2 -30)\n", "R = 24 # radius of disks\n", "circ1 = ring(pos = vec(-30,0,45), radius = R,axis = vec(0,1,0),color = color.blue)\n", "circ2 = ring(pos = vec(-30,0,-45),radius = R,axis = vec(0,1,0),color = color.blue)\n", "circ3 = ring(pos = vec(x1,0,0),radius = R,axis = vec(0,1,0),color = color.blue)\n", "scene.forward = vec(0,-1,-1) # angle of scene viewing\n", "xmax = 100 \n", "nmax = 101 \n", "V = np.zeros((nmax,nmax),float) # potential\n", "dx = 0.1 \n", "dx2 = dx*dx \n", "k0 = 20. # wave packet x wave vector\n", "k1 = 0. # wave packet z vector\n", "dt = 0.002 \n", "fc = dt/dx2 \n", "Re = np.zeros((nmax,nmax),float) # Real psi\n", "I = np.zeros((nmax,nmax),float) # Imaginary psi\n", "\n", "def pot(xa,za): # potential, disks centered at xa,za\n", " for z in range (za-R,za+R+1): # R : disk radius, \n", " for x in range(xa-R,xa+R+1): # ends of x axis of disk\n", " if sqrt((x-xa)**2+(z-za)**2) <= R: # defines potential\n", " i = int(50./100.*z+50) # convert from x z to i j\n", " j = int(50./100.*x+50) \n", " V[i,j] = 5. # equivalent to infinite potential value\n", "\n", "def potential():\n", " pot(-30,45) # center of each ring\n", " pot(-30,-45)\n", " pot(x1,0) \n", "\n", "def initial(xin,zin): # initial position of wave packet (xin,zin) \n", " for i in np.arange(0,nmax): z = 200./100.*i-100 \n", " for j in arange(0, nmax):\n", " x = 200./100.*j-100 # convert index to coordinate \n", " Re[i,j] = exp(-0.01*(x-xin)**2- 0.01*(z-zin)**2)*cos(k0*x+k1*z)\n", " I[i,j] = exp(-0.01*(x-xin)**2-0.01*(z-zin)**2)*sin(k0*x+k1*z)\n", " \n", "potential() # potential due to disks\n", "xin = -50 # initial position of wave packet, -100 <= z, x <= 100\n", "zin = 24 \n", "initial(xin,zin)\n", "\n", "def plotinitial():\n", " for i in range(1,nmax-1):\n", " zp = 200.*i/nmax-100\n", " for j in range(1,nmax-1): \n", " if V[i,j]!= 0: # psi = 0 when V != 0\n", " Re[i,j] = 0\n", " I[i,j] = 0\n", " yy = 40*(Re[i,j ]**2 +I[i, j ]**2)\n", " if yy>.01: # to avoid printing long lines\n", " xx = 200.*j/nmax-100. # coordinates of neighboring points \n", " xm1 = 200.*(j-1)/nmax-100.\n", " yym1 = 40* (Re[i,j-1]**2 +I[i, j-1 ]**2)\n", " zz = zp \n", " curve(pos = [vec(xm1,yym1,zz),vec(xx,yy,zz)],color = color.red) \n", "plotinitial() # plot a short segment\n", "\n", "for t in range(0,150): # plot every 10 times\n", " if t%10 == 0: print(t) \n", " I[1:-1,1:-1] = I[1:-1,1:-1]+fc*(Re[2: ,1:-1]+Re[:-2 ,1:-1]-4*Re[1:-1,1:-1] + \\\n", " Re[1:-1,2: ]+Re[1:-1, :-2])+ V[1:-1,1:-1]*dt*Re[1:-1,1:-1]\n", " Re[1:-1, 1:-1] = Re[1:-1,1:-1]-fc*(I[2: ,1:-1]+I[ :-2,1:-1]-4*I[1:-1,1:-1] \\\n", " +I[1:-1,2: ]+I[1:-1, :-2])+ V[1:-1,1:-1]*dt*I[1:-1,1:-1]\n", " for i in range(1, nmax-1):\n", " zp = 200.*i/nmax-100\n", " for j in range(1,nmax-1):# wavefunction 0 when potential is diff of 0\n", " if V[i,j] != 0: # wave function 0 causes reflections\n", " Re[i,j] = 0\n", " I[i,j] = 0\n", " yy = 40*(Re[i,j ]**2 +I[i, j]**2)\n", " xx = 200.*j/nmax-100. \n", " xm1 = 200.*(j-1)/nmax-100.\n", " yym1 = 40*(Re[i,j-1 ]**2 +I[i, j-1 ]**2)\n", " zz = zp\n", " if yy>0.1:\n", " if t%10 == 0: curve(pos =[vec(xm1,yym1,zz),vec(xx,yy,zz)],color = color.red)\n", "print(\"finito\") " ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 2", "language": "python", "name": "python2" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.13" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }