ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c tune2.f: a matrix algebra program with vector tuning c c c c UNIX (DEC OSF, IBM AIX): f77 tune2.f c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c Program tune2 PARAMETER (ldim = 2050) Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z) Dimension ham(ldim,ldim),coef(ldim),sigma(ldim),diag(ldim) c c set up Hamiltonian and starting vector c Do 10 i = 1,ldim Do 11 j = 1,ldim If( Abs(j-i) .gt. 10) Then ham(j,i) = 0.0 Else ham(j,i) = 0.3**Abs(j-i) EndIf 11 Continue ham(i,i) = i coef(i) = 0.0 10 Continue coef(1) = 1.0 c c start iterating towards the solution c Do 15 i = 1,ldim diag(i) = ham(i,i) 15 Continue err = 1.0 iter = 0 20 If ( .and. Then iter = iter+1 c c compute energy, norm of current approximation,\& normalize c ener = 0.0 ovlp = 0.0 Do 21 i = 1,ldim ovlp = ovlp+coef(i)*coef(i) t = 0.0 Do 30 j = 1,ldim t = t + coef(j)*ham(i,j) 30 Continue sigma(i) = t ener = ener + coef(i)*t 21 Continue ener = ener/ovlp fact = 1.0/Sqrt(ovlp) coef(1) = fact*coef(1) err = 0.0 Do 22 i = 2,ldim t = fact*coef(i) u = fact*sigma(i) - ener*t step = u/(ener - diag(i)) coef(i) = t + step err = err + step*step 22 Continue err = Sqrt(err) Write(*,'(1x,i2,7f10.5)') iter,ener,err,coef(1) GoTo 20 EndIf Stop End