""" From "COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS: PROBLEM SOLVING with PYTHON" 4th Ed. by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (D) Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2024. Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work.""" # Lagrange.py: Langrange interpolation tabulated data; 2, 4, 8 degree poly """Dirichlet boundary conditions surrounding four walls Domain dimensions: WxH, with 2 triangles per square Based on FEM2DL_Box Matlab program in Polycarpou, Intro to the Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics, Morgan & Claypool (2006) """ from visual import* from visual.graph import* from visual.controls import * sceneK = display(x=0,y=0,width=500,height=500, title='Lagrange Interpolation with Toggle Switch') graph=curve(color= color.yellow,x=range(0,201),radius=3) xin = array([0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200]) yin = array([10.6, 6, 45, 83.5, 52.8, 19.9, 10.8, 8.25, 4.7]) expts=[] # Poits to fit yy=zeros((204),float) w=150 c = controls(x=300, y=50, width=w, height=w, range=60) t1 = toggle(pos=(0,0), width=30, height=30, text0='1 polynom deg 8', text1='4 polynms deg. 2', action=lambda: selectpoly()) def selectpoly(): global polinom # Change previous value if t1.value: polinom = 3 else: polinom = 9 def axis(): xmin=-200 xmax=200 xincr=100 yincr=400.0/6.0 ymin=-200 ymax=200 curve(color=color.white,pos=[(-200,-200),(200,-200)]) curve(color=color.white,pos=[(-200,-200),(-200,200)]) for i in range(0,5): # x tics & labels curve(pos=[(xmin+xincr*i,ymin),(xmin+xincr*i,ymin-10)], color=color.white) xnum=i*50 xtext= str(xnum) label(pos=(xmin+xincr*i,ymin-30),color=color.white,box=0,text=xtext) for i in range(0,7): # y tics & labels ynum=i*15 ytext= str(ynum) curve(pos=[(xmin-10,ymin+yincr*i),(xmin,ymin+yincr*i)],color=color.white) label(pos=(xmin-30,ymin +yincr*i),color=color.white,box=0,text=ytext) def points(): # Data for i in range (0,9): xc=2*xin[i]-200 #x linear trsn. from 0->100 to -200->200 yc=40*yin[i]/9.0-200 #y linear trsn. from 0->90 to -200->200 expts.append(sphere(pos=(xc,yc), radius=8,color=color.red)) def legendrepol (x,beg,finish): #poly interpolation beg:begining y = 0.0; for i in range(beg,finish+1): lambd = 1.0; for j in range(beg,finish+1): if i != j: #Lagrange polynom formed here lambd *= ((x - xin[j-1])/(xin[i-1] - xin[j-1])) y += (yin[i-1] * lambd) return y def plotpoly(): axis() points() # 8th degree poly if polinom == 9: xx=0.0 for k in range (0,201): yy[k]=legendrepol(xx,1,9) xc=2*xx-200 yc=40*yy[k]/9.0-200 graph.x[k]=xc graph.y[k]=yc xx+=1.0 graph.pos if polinom==3: # 2nd degree poly's xx=0.0 startat=0 for mm in range(1,8,2): for k in range(startat,startat+50 +1): xx=1.0*k yy[k]=legendrepol(xx,mm,mm+2) xc=2*xx-200 yc=40*yy[k]/9.0-200 graph.x[k]=xc graph.y[k]=yc graph.pos startat=startat+50 polinom=9 while 1: c.interact() # Checks toggle switch plotpoly()