""" From "COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS: PROBLEM SOLVING with PYTHON" 4th Ed. by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (D) Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2024. Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work.""" # IsingViz.py: Ising model from visual import * import random from visual.graph import * # Display for the arrows scene = display(x=0,y=0,width=700,height=200, range=40,title='Spins') engraph = gdisplay(y=200,width=700,height=300, title='E of Spin System',\ xtitle='iteration', ytitle='E',xmax=500, xmin=0, ymax=5, ymin=-5) enplot = gcurve(color=color.yellow) N = 30 B = 1. mu = .33 # g mu J = .20 k = 1. # Boltmann T = 100. state = zeros((N)) # spins up(1), down (0) S = zeros((N) ,float) test = state random.seed() # Seed generator def energy ( S) : FirstTerm = 0. SecondTerm = 0. for i in range(0,N-2): FirstTerm += S[i]*S[i + 1] FirstTerm *= -J for i in range(0,N-1): SecondTerm += S[i] SecondTerm *= -B*mu; return (FirstTerm + SecondTerm); ES = energy(state) def spstate(state): # Plots spins for obj in scene.objects: obj.visible=0 # Erase old arrows j=0 for i in range(-N,N,2): if state[j]==-1: ypos = 5 # Spin down else: ypos = 0 if 5*state[j]<0: arrowcol = (1,1,1) # White arrow if down else: arrowcol =(0.7,0.8,0) arrow(pos=(i,ypos,0),axis=(0,5*state[j],0),color=arrowcol) j +=1 for i in range(0 ,N): state[i] = -1 # Initial spins all down for obj in scene.objects: obj.visible=0 spstate(state) ES = energy(state) for j in range (1,500): rate(3) test = state r = int(N*random.random()); # Flip spin randomly test[r] *= -1 ET = energy(test) p = math.exp((ES-ET)/(k*T)) # Boltzmann test enplot.plot(pos=(j,ES)) # Adds segment to curve if p >= random.random(): state = test spstate(state) ES = ET