""" From "COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS: PROBLEM SOLVING with PYTHON" 4th Ed. by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC Bordeianu (D) Copyright R Landau, Oregon State Unv, MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, C Bordeianu, Univ Bucharest, 2024. Please respect copyright & acknowledge our work.""" # AreaScanner: examples of use of formated output # and reading input from the keyboard. Also: Input/Output with files import math name= raw_input( 'Key in your name: ') #raw_input is good for strings print "Hi ",name radius=input('Enter a radius: ') # works with numerical values print 'you entered radius= %8.5f'%radius # formatted output name= raw_input('Key in another name: ') # raw_input good for strings radius=input('Enter a radius: ') print 'Enter new name and r in file Name.dat' inpfile=open('Name.dat','r') # to read from file Name.dat for line in inpfile: line=line.split() # splits components of line name=line[0] # first entry in the list print " Hi %10s" %(name) # print Hi plus first entry r=float(line[1]) # second entry convert to float print " r = %13.5f" %(r) # converts x to float and print it inpfile.close() A=math.pi*r**2 # use radius to find circles's area print "Done, look in A.dat\n" outfile=open('A.dat','w') outfile.write( 'r= %13.5f\n'%(r)) outfile.write('A = %13.5f\n'%(A)) outfile.close() print 'r = %13.5f'%(r) # screen output print 'A = %13.5f'%(A) print 'Now example of integer input ' age=int(input ('Now key in your age as an integer: ')) print "age: %4d years old, you don't look it!\n"%(age) print "Press a character to finish" s=raw_input()