/* From: "A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS" by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007. Electronic Materials copyright: R Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2007; MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2007; & CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2007 Support by National Science Foundation */ program logwrkr C Log-worker program C This is a worker program which calculates a portion C of the logistic map. The fraction of the map calculated C and the resolution are determined by the master program C which starts this program and allocates work to it. C C Sean Fox 4/27/95 C implicit none include 'fpvm3.h' integer*4 wrkrtomstr, mstrtowrkr parameter( wrkrtomstr=2, mstrtowrkr=1) integer*4 rc, wrkr_tid, mstr_tid, msg_buff integer*4 jobsize, resolution, i, step, startstep character*7 worker_index character*1 chartemp real*8 x,mu,temp C C First the worker enrolls itself and finds it's C parent's TID. C call pvmfmytid( wrkr_tid ) call pvmfparent( mstr_tid ) C C Next we open a file with the suffix of the worker tid. C This ensures a unique name for each worker's output file C but requires a bit of a C cludge to transform the wrkr_tid into a useable C chararcter file suffix. There is probably a prettier way C to do this. worker_index=' ' do i=1,6 temp=(DBLE(wrkr_tid)/(10.0d0**i)-AINT(DBLE(wrkr_tid)/(10.d0**i))) chartemp= CHAR(INT(AINT(10.d0*temp+0.1d0)+48)) worker_index=chartemp//worker_index end do open(1,FILE='logfile.' // worker_index, STATUS='NEW') C C Now listen for work messages from the master. Unpack the information C when we get it. C call pvmfrecv( mstr_tid, mstrtowrkr, msg_buff ) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4, startstep,1,1, rc) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4, jobsize,1,1,rc) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4,resolution,1,1,rc) C C If startstep is non-zero then we do the C iterative logistics map calculation. C DO WHILE (startstep .NE. 0) C C We step through mu, at each value we do 200 steps to C work through the transients, and then output the next 200 C steps. startstep/resolution is the starting value of mu for this C particular job. Mu <4 will blow up so we have to be carefull C to trap this possibility. C x=0.5d0 DO step=startstep,startstep+jobsize mu=DBLE(step)/DBLE(resolution) IF(mu .GE. 4.0d0) THEN mu=4.0d0 ENDIF DO i=1,200 x=mu*x*(1.0d0-x) END DO DO i=1,200 x=mu*x*(1.0-x) 10 FORMAT(F7.3,F7.3) WRITE(1,10) mu,x END DO END DO C C Write back our tid to the master program to signal we are done. C call pvmfinitsend(PVMDEFAULT,msg_buff) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, wrkr_tid ,1,1, rc) call pvmfsend(mstr_tid,wrkrtomstr,rc) C C Listen for the next message C call pvmfrecv( -1, mstrtowrkr, msg_buff ) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4, startstep,1,1, rc) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4, jobsize,1,1,rc) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4,resolution,1,1,rc) END DO C C If we've recieved a 0 value for startstep from the master C program then we can shut down. C call pvmfexit(rc) stop end