/* From: "A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS" by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007. Electronic Materials copyright: R Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2007; MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2007; & CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2007 Support by National Science Foundation */ program logmaster C C Log-Master Program C This is the master control code which breaks the C calculation of the logistics map over a C variety of workers. A population calculation is C done using 400 iterations of the recursive relation C x=mu*x*(1-x) with a starting value of x=0.5. C mu is varied between 1 and 4 with a step size of C 1/resolution, where the variable resolution is set C by the user. A job, consisting of a range of steps C in mu space is sent to each worker. Each job consists C of "jobsize" steps in mu space. The master programs allocates C another job to each worker when the worker finishes with the C previous job. By using small jobs sizes we achieve efficient dynamic C allocation where the fastest machine does the most work and little C time is wasted waiting for slow workers to finish. C implicit none include 'fpvm3.h' integer*4 wrkrtomstr, mstrtowrkr parameter( wrkrtomstr=2, mstrtowrkr=1) integer*4 rc, wrkr_tid(20), mstr_tid, msg_buff integer*4 jobsize,i,startstep,resolution,n_workers integer*4 workerdone open(1,FILE='input',STATUS='OLD') C C First enroll itself and redirect worker C standard out. C call pvmfmytid( mstr_tid ) call pvmfcatchout( 1, rc ) C C Now get information about division of work C and the resolution of the calcuations. C C WRITE(*,*) 'Enter resolution 1-1000' READ(1,*) resolution WRITE(*,*) 'Enter number of workers' READ(1,*) n_workers WRITE(*,*) 'Enter job size 1-resolution' READ(1,*) jobsize C C Now start up the workers C call pvmfspawn('logwrkr',PVMDEFAULT,'*',n_workers ,wrkr_tid,rc) C C Now send off the first round of work. C The variable startstep keeps track of the step in mu space C at which the next job should be started. C startstep=1*resolution DO i=1,n_workers call pvmfinitsend(PVMDEFAULT,msg_buff) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, startstep ,1,1, rc) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, jobsize ,1,1, rc) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, resolution ,1,1, rc) call pvmfsend(wrkr_tid(i),mstrtowrkr,rc) startstep=startstep+jobsize+1 END DO C C Now we listen for jobs that are done. When a worker C finishes we send off more work until all the work C has been allocated. C DO WHILE (DBLE(startstep)/DBLE(resolution) .LT. 4.0d0) call pvmfrecv(-1,wrkrtomstr, msg_buff) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4, workerdone,1,1,rc) call pvmfinitsend(PVMDEFAULT,msg_buff) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, startstep,1,1,rc) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, jobsize,1,1,rc) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, resolution,1,1,rc) call pvmfsend(workerdone,mstrtowrkr,rc) startstep=startstep+jobsize+1 END DO C C Now all the work has been sent out. When workers signal they C have finished we send back 0's to indicate they can C terminate themselves. C DO i=1,n_workers call pvmfrecv(-1,wrkrtomstr, msg_buff) call pvmfunpack(INTEGER4, workerdone,1,1,rc) call pvmfinitsend(PVMDEFAULT,msg_buff) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, 0,1,1,rc) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, 0,1,1,rc) call pvmfpack(INTEGER4, 0,1,1,rc) call pvmfsend(workerdone,mstrtowrkr,rc) END DO C C Now all the workers have been told to terminate so C we can terminate ourself. call pvmfexit(rc) stop end