ptplot5.6 - A Java plotting package Ptplot is a set of two dimensional signal plotters implemented in Java. Ptplot is embeddable in applets and applications. For more information, see ptolemy/plot/doc/index.htm Installer notes: If you are using the auto installer, then note that under Windows, the Ptplot programs will be added to your start menu under Ptolemy -> Ptplot. Note further that directory names with spaces do not work very well because of limitations Java 1.4.0 If you are building from a tar or zip file, then note that the file ptplot5.6.tar.gz or, will unpack into a directory called ptplot5.6, and the configure-make-make install process will not install any files outside of this ptplot5.6 directory. So, if you unpack the TAR file into /usr/local, after installing you will have /usr/local/ptplot5.6, and you may want to tell users to add /usr/local/ptplot5.6/bin to their PATH. The scripts in the bin directory will run the plotter as a standalone application, or they can add /usr/local/ptplot5.6 to their Java CLASSPATH. To build under Solaris: Set the PTII variable to this directory: PTII=/export/home1/cxh/src/ptII6.0.1/ptolemy/plot Then configure and make: ./configure make install bin/ptplot