/* From: "A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS" by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008. Electronic Materials copyright: R Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2008; MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2008; and CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2008. Support by National Science Foundation */ // QuantumEigen.java: solves Schroedinger eq via rk4 + Bisection Algor import java.io.*; public class QuantumEigen { static double eps = 1E-6 ; // Class variables; precision static int n_steps = 501; // Number int steps public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { double E = -17., h = 0.04; // Initial E in MeV, step size in fm double Emax, Emin, Diff; int count, count_max = 100; Emax = 1.1*E; Emin = E/1.1; for ( count=0; count <= count_max; count++ ) { // Iteration loop E = (Emax + Emin)/2. ; // Divide E range Diff = diff(E, h); System.out.println("E = " + E + ", L-R Log deriv(E) = " + Diff); if (diff(Emax, h)*Diff > 0) Emax = E; // Bisection algorithm else Emin = E; if ( Math.abs(Diff) < eps ) break; } plot(E, h); System.out.println("Final eigenvalue E = " + E); System.out.println("iterations, max = " + count + ", " + count_max); System.out.println("WF in QunatumL/R.dat, V in QuantumV.dat "); } // End main // Returns L-R log deriv public static double diff(double E, double h) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { double left, right, x; int ix, nL, nR, i_match; double y[] = new double[2]; i_match = n_steps/3; // Matching radius nL = i_match + 1; y[0] = 1.E-15; // Initial wf on left y[1] = y[0]*Math.sqrt(-E*0.4829); for (ix = 0; ix < nL + 1; ix++) { x = h * (ix -n_steps/2); rk4(x, y, h, 2, E); } left = y[1]/y[0]; // Log derivative y[0] = 1.E-15; // - slope for even; reverse for odd y[1] = -y[0]*Math.sqrt(-E*0.4829); // Initialize R wf for (ix = n_steps; ix > nL+1; ix--){x = h*(ix+1-n_steps/2); rk4(x, y, -h, 2, E);} right = y[1]/y[0]; // Log derivative return( (left - right)/(left + right) ); } public static void plot(double E, double h) // Repeat integrations for plot throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { PrintWriter L = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("QuantumL.dat"), true); PrintWriter R = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("QuantumR.dat"), true); PrintWriter Vx = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream("QuantumV.dat"), true); double left, right, normL, x = 0.; int ix, nL, nR, i_match, n_steps = 1501; // Total no integration steps double y[] = new double[2], yL[][] = new double [2][505]; i_match = 500; // Matching point nL = i_match + 1; y[0] = 1.E-40; // Initial wf on the left y[1] = -Math.sqrt(-E*0.4829) *y[0]; for ( ix = 0; ix <= nL; ix++ ) { yL[0][ix] = y[0]; yL[1][ix] = y[1]; x = h * (ix -n_steps/2); rk4(x, y, h, 2, E); } // Integrate to the left y[0] = -1.E-15; // - slope: even; reverse for odd y[1] = -Math.sqrt(-E*0.4829)*y[0]; for ( ix = n_steps -1; ix >= nL + 1; ix--) { // Integrate in x = h * (ix + 1 -n_steps/2); R.println(x + " " + y[0] + " " + y[1]); // File print Vx.println(x + " " + 1.7E9*V(x)); // Scaled V rk4(x, y, -h, 2, E); } x = x - h; R.println(x + " " + y[0] + " " + y[1]); // File print normL = y[0]/yL[0][nL]; // Renormalize L wf & derivative for ( ix = 0; ix <= nL; ix++ ) { x = h * (ix-n_steps/2 + 1); y[0] = yL[0][ix]*normL; y[1] = yL[1][ix]*normL; L.println(x + " " + y[0] + " " + y[1]); // File print Vx.println(x + " " + 1.7E9*V(x)); // Print V } return; } public static void f(double x, double y[], double F[], double E) { F[0] = y[1]; F[1] = -(0.4829)*(E-V(x))*y[0]; } public static double V(double x) { if (Math.abs(x) < 10.) return ( -16.); else return(0.) ; } public static void rk4(double t, double y[],double h,int Neqs,double E){ int i; double F[] = new double[Neqs], ydumb[] = new double[Neqs]; double k1[] = new double[Neqs]; double k2[] = new double[Neqs]; double k3[] = new double[Neqs]; double k4[] = new double[Neqs]; f(t, y, F,E); for (i=0; i