! From: "A SURVEY OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS" ! by RH Landau, MJ Paez, and CC BORDEIANU ! Copyright Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008. ! Electronic Materials copyright: R Landau, Oregon State Univ, 2008; ! MJ Paez, Univ Antioquia, 2008; and CC BORDEIANU, Univ Bucharest, 2008. ! Support by National Science Foundation ! ! twodsol.f90: Solves the sine - Gordon equation for a 2D soliton Program twodsol Implicit none Double precision :: u(201, 201, 3) Integer :: nint Open(9, FILE = 'twodsol.dat', Status = 'UNKNOW') write(*, *)' Enter an Integer from 1 to 100' write(*, *)' this number is proportional to time' write(*, *)' time = 0 is for the Integer = 1' read(*, *)nint write(*, *)'working with input = ', nint call initial(u) ! initialize ! output for t proportional to nint call solution(u, nint) Stop End Program twodsol ! initialize constants and soliton Subroutine initial(u) Implicit none Integer :: i, j, k Double precision :: u(201, 201, 3), dx, dy, dt, xx, yy, dts, time Common /values/ dx, dy, dt, time, dts Do i = 1, 201! clear arrays Do j = 1, 201 Do k = 1, 3 u(i, j, k) = 0.0 End Do End Do End Do dx = 14.0/200. ! initial condition dy = dx dt = dx/sqrt(2.0) dts = (dt/dx)**2 yy = - 7.0 time = 0.0 Do i = 1, 201 xx = - 7.0 Do j = 1, 201 u(i, j, 1) = 4.0*Datan(3. - sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy)) xx = xx + dx End Do yy = yy + dy End Do Return End ! solve SGE, initial conditions in initial Subroutine solution(u, nint) Implicit none Double precision :: u(201, 201, 3), dx, dy, dt, time, a2, zz,dts,a1 Integer :: l, m, mm, k, j, i, nint Common/values/ dx, dy, dt, time, dts time = time + dt ! 2nd iteration uses d phi/dt(t=0) = 0 (G(x, y, 0) = 0) ! d U/dx = 0 at - x0, x0, - y0 and y0 Do l = 2, 200 Do m = 2, 200 a2 = u(m+1, l, 1) + u(m-1, l, 1) + u(m, l+1, 1) + u(m, l-1, 1) u(m, l, 2) = 0.5*(dts*a2 - dt*dt*DSIN(0.25*a2)) End Do End Do ! the borders in 2nd iteration Do mm = 2, 200 u(mm, 1, 2) = u(mm, 2, 2) u(mm, 201, 2) = u(mm, 200, 2) u(1, mm, 2) = u(2, mm, 2) u(201, mm, 2) = u(200, mm, 2) End Do ! the still undefined terms u(1, 1, 2) = u(2, 1, 2) u(201, 1, 2) = u(200, 1, 2) u(1, 201, 2) = u(2, 201, 2) u(201, 201, 2) = u(200, 201, 2) ! 3rd and following iterations use your input, loop up to nint Do k = 1, nint Do l = 2, 200 Do m = 2, 200 a1 = u(m+1, l, 2) + u(m-1, l, 2) + u(m, l+1,2) + u(m, l-1, 2) u(m, l, 3) = - u(m, l, 1) + dts*a1 - dt*dt*DSIN(0.25*a1) u(m, 1, 3) = u(m, 2, 3) u(m, 201, 3) = u(m, 200, 3) End Do End Do Do mm = 2, 200 u(mm, 1, 3) = u(mm, 2, 3) u(mm, 201, 3) = u(mm, 200, 3) u(1, mm, 3) = u(2, mm, 3) u(201, mm, 3) = u(200, mm, 3) End Do u(1, 1, 3) = u(2, 1, 3) u(201, 1, 3) = u(200, 1, 3) u(1, 201, 3) = u(2, 201, 3) u(201, 201, 3) = u(200, 201, 3) ! new -> old Do l = 1, 201 Do m = 1, 201 u(l, m, 1) = u(l, m, 2) u(l, m, 2) = u(l, m, 3) End Do End Do ! Output solution at time proportional to nint If (k == nint) then Do i = 1, 201, 5 Do j = 1, 201, 5 zz = DSIN(u(i, j, 3)/2.0) write(9, *)zz End Do ! need blank lines to separate spatial rows for 3-D write(9, *)' ' End Do Endif time = time + dt End Do Return End