import numpy as n import numpy.linalg as la import numpy.random as ran import pylab as p # Simple least-squares fit of data to a linear function. x = n.arange(0, 10., 0.1) y = x + ran.normal(0, 1., len(x)) # A little noise has been added. Instead of x, try x**2. # Fit y to the form mx + c. # Cast the problem as y = ap. # Here, a = [[x 1]] is just a matrix with two columns, the set x and a set of 1's. # The quantity p is a vector p = [[m], [c]], where [m] is a set of the slope m and [c] is a set of the constant c. a = n.vstack([x, n.ones(len(x))]).T [m, c], r, rank, s = la.lstsq(a, y) print r # sum of residues # z is the functional fit to the data z = m*x + c p.plot(x,y) p.plot(x,z)