import os, sys, time import ctypes as ct import numpy import nidaqmx_constants as mxc import nidaqmx_functions as mxf def LoadDLL() : # load the DLL with linux or windows specific invocations. # is 'posix', 'nt', 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos' message = '' if == 'posix' : try: dll = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary("") #dll = ct.CDLL("") # create an instance of a dll except : dll = 0 elif == 'nt' : # cdll loads libraries which export functions using the standard cdecl calling convention. # windll libraries call functions using the stdcall calling convention. try: dll = ct.windll.nicaiu #dll = ct.cdll.somelibrary except : dll = 0 else : message = 'This operating system is not supported.' dll = 0 if dll == 0 : message = 'The required dll nicaiu was not found.' return dll, message def FindDevices(f) : # f is the object of translated functions. buf_size = 10 buf = ct.create_string_buffer('\000' * buf_size) f.GetSysDevNames(buf, buf_size); #print(ct.sizeof(buf), repr(buf.raw)) #print(buf.raw) # Labels for devices found by nicaiu return buf.raw.strip(chr(0)) def ErrorCheck(f, err): # A simple error checking routine # f is the object of functions, such as CreateTask. if err < 0: buf_size = 1000 buf = ct.create_string_buffer('\000' * buf_size) f.GetErrorString(err, ct.byref(buf), buf_size) #raise RuntimeError('Call failed with error %d: %s'%(err, repr(buf.value))) print('Call failed with error %d: %s'%(err, repr(buf.value))) if err > 0: buf_size = 1000 buf = ct.create_string_buffer('\000' * buf_size) f.GetErrorString(err, ct.byref(buf), buf_size) print('Warning %d: %s'%(err, repr(buf.value))) def CreateTask(f, task) : task_handle = ct.c_ulong() ErrorCheck(f, f.CreateTask(str(task),ct.byref(task_handle))) print 'task handle: ', task_handle return task_handle def Test() : dll, message = LoadDLL() if dll == 0 : print 'Library not loadable. ' + message sys.exit() c = mxc.TranslatedConstants() f = mxf.TranslatedFunctions(dll) dev = FindDevices(f) print dev f.ResetDevice(ct.create_string_buffer('Dev1')) task = CreateTask(f, 0) task1 = CreateTask(f, 1) #ErrorCheck(f, f.CreateTask(ct.create_string_buffer('0'), # CreateAIVoltageChan(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char physicalChannel[], const char nameToAssignToChannel[], int32 terminalConfig, float64 minVal, float64 maxVal, int32 units, const char customScaleName[]) # CreateDOChan(TaskHandle taskHandle, const char lines[], const char nameToAssignToLines[], int32 lineGrouping) ErrorCheck(f, f.CreateDOChan(task, ct.create_string_buffer('Dev1/port0'), ct.create_string_buffer(''), ct.c_long(c.Val_ChanForAllLines))) ErrorCheck(f, f.CreateAIVoltageChan(task1, ct.create_string_buffer('Dev1/ai0'), ct.create_string_buffer('0'), ct.c_long(c.Val_RSE), ct.c_double(-2.0), ct.c_double(2.0), ct.c_long(c.Val_Volts), None)) # (TaskHandle taskHandle, const char source[], float64 rate, int32 activeEdge, int32 sampleMode, uInt64 sampsPerChan) #ErrorCheck(f, f.CfgSampClkTiming(task, ct.create_string_buffer('OnboardClock'), ct.c_double(20000), ct.c_long(c.Val_Rising), ct.c_long(c.Val_FiniteSamps), ct.c_ulonglong(samples))) delta = 0.001 samples = 1 data = numpy.zeros((samples,),dtype=numpy.float64) samples_acquired = ct.c_long() f.StartTask(task) f.StartTask(task1) while True : for i in range(10) : #samples_sent = ct.c_long() #data_ten = ct.c_int * 1 #data = data_ten(1) #f.WriteDigitalU32(TaskHandle taskHandle, int32 numSampsPerChan, bool32 autoStart, float64 timeout, bool32 dataLayout, const uInt32 writeArray[], int32 *sampsPerChanWritten, bool32 *reserved); #ErrorCheck(f, f.WriteDigitalU32(task, ct.c_long(1), ct.c_long(0), ct.c_double(0.1), ct.c_long(c.Val_GroupByChannel), ct.byref(data), ct.byref(samples_sent), None)) #f.WriteDigitalScalarU32(TaskHandle taskHandle, bool32 autoStart, float64 timeout, uInt32 value, bool32 *reserved) ErrorCheck(f, f.WriteDigitalScalarU32(task, ct.c_long(0), ct.c_double(0.01), ct.c_ulong(0), None)) time.sleep(.0001) #data = data_ten(0) #f.WriteDigitalU32(TaskHandle taskHandle, int32 numSampsPerChan, bool32 autoStart, float64 timeout, bool32 dataLayout, const uInt32 writeArray[], int32 *sampsPerChanWritten, bool32 *reserved); #ErrorCheck(f, f.WriteDigitalU32(task, ct.c_long(1), ct.c_long(0), ct.c_double(0.1), ct.c_long(c.Val_GroupByChannel), ct.byref(data), ct.byref(samples_sent), None)) #f.WriteDigitalScalarU32(TaskHandle taskHandle, bool32 autoStart, float64 timeout, uInt32 value, bool32 *reserved) ErrorCheck(f, f.WriteDigitalScalarU32(task, ct.c_long(0), ct.c_double(0.01), ct.c_ulong(1), None)) time.sleep(delta) #(TaskHandle taskHandle, int32 numSampsPerChan, float64 timeout, bool32 fillMode, float64 readArray[], uInt32 arraySizeInSamps, int32 *sampsPerChanRead, bool32 *reserved) ErrorCheck(f, f.ReadAnalogF64(task1, ct.c_long(samples), ct.c_double(1.0), ct.c_long(c.Val_GroupByChannel),, ct.c_ulong(samples), ct.byref(samples_acquired), None)) print data time.sleep(0.01) #data = data_ten(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) #f.WriteDigitalU32(TaskHandle taskHandle, int32 numSampsPerChan, bool32 autoStart, float64 timeout, bool32 dataLayout, const uInt32 writeArray[], int32 *sampsPerChanWritten, bool32 *reserved); #ErrorCheck(f, f.WriteDigitalU32(task, ct.c_long(1), ct.c_long(0), ct.c_double(0.1), ct.c_long(c.Val_GroupByChannel), ct.byref(data), ct.byref(samples_sent), None)) f.StopTask(task) f.StopTask(task1) #print samples_sent print data #----------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__' : Test()