import numpy as np import numpy.random as ran import pylab as plt import sys from response_plot_files import * # Least-squares fit of data to a polynomial. # The data is assumed to be approximately linear. def GetData(data_file, targets=[0, 1]) : # Targets is the list of only two data arrays to be used as x and y. file_in = DataFromFile(data_file, ',') # Delimiter is assumed to be a comma. return[targets[0]],[targets[1]] def FitDataToPolynomial(x, y, order) : coeffs, residuals, rank, singular_values, rcond = np.polyfit(x, y, order, full=True) crev = coeffs[:: -1] # Reverse the order of the coeffs array sigma = np.sqrt(residuals[0]/len(x)) print('sigma = ' + str(sigma)) z =np.zeros( (order+1, len(x)) ) ztot = np.zeros(len(x), float) for n in range(0, order+1, 1) : z[n] += crev[n] * np.power(x, n) ztot += z[n] return ztot, z, crev, sigma def PlotFit(x, y, z, ztot, coeffs, sigma, title, text_loc=[0.3, 0.7]) : # text_loc is the location of the text box where [0,0] is the lower left and [1,1] is the upper right. plt.plot(x, y, label='Data') coeff_string = 'Fit Coefficients\n' n = 0 for c in coeffs : coeff_string += str(n) + ': ' + str(coeffs[n].round(decimals=4)) + '\n' plt.plot(x, z[n], label='$x^{' + str(n) + '}$ piece') n += 1 coeff_string += '$\sigma =$ ' + str(sigma.round(decimals=4)) + '\n' plt.plot(x, ztot, label = 'Total Fit') #plt.legend(loc='best') plt.legend(loc='upper left') plt.title( title ) y_min = np.min(ztot) y_max = np.max(ztot) for zn in z : zn_max = np.max(zn) zn_min = np.min(zn) if zn_max > y_max : y_max = zn_max if zn_min < y_min : y_min = zn_min yloc = y_min + text_loc[1] * (y_max - y_min) x_min = np.min(x) x_max = np.max(x) xloc = x_min + text_loc[0] * (x_max - x_min) plt.text(xloc, yloc, coeff_string) plt.close() return def MakeResidualHistogram(data, fit, bins, sigma) : # Make a histogram of the abs(error) #e2 = np.abs(data - fit) e2 = data - fit hist = np.histogram(e2, bins=bins) # Histogram returns the array of values and an array of bin edges, which has one more value. # Create bin center. bincenters = 0.5*(hist[1][1:]+hist[1][:-1]) histo_max = np.max(hist[0]) # Simulate the set of error, but with more samples for less noise on the noise. # The mean should be 0.0, but it will fluctuate about that from run to run. normal_dist = ran.normal(0.0, sigma, len(e2)*3000) * histo_max * np.sqrt(2.0*np.pi)*sigma normal_hist = np.histogram(normal_dist, bins=bins) normal_hist_max = np.max(normal_hist[0]) #print bins, len(bincenters), len(hist[0]) #plt.plot(bincenters, hist[0], label='Data') plt.plot(bincenters, hist[0][1:], label='Data') #plt.plot(bincenters, normal_hist[0]*histo_max/normal_hist_max, label='Simulation') plt.plot(bincenters, normal_hist[0][1:]*histo_max/normal_hist_max, label='Simulation') the_title = 'Error Histogram with $\sigma = $' + str(sigma) plt.title(the_title) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.close() def Test() : order = 3 # polynomial order #graph = 'plot' graph = 'error' # Choose data file and columns of data to use. choice = 1 if choice ==1 : data_file = 'linear_data.csv' targets = [1, 2] # text_loc is the location of the text box where [0,0] is the lower left and [1,1] is the upper right. text_loc = [0.3, 0.7] elif choice == 2 : data_file = 'xy.csv' # text_loc is the location of the text box where [0,0] is the lower left and [1,1] is the upper right. text_loc = [0.3, 0.7] targets = [0, 1] x, y = GetData(data_file, targets=targets) graph_title = 'Polynomial of order ' + str(order) + ' fit to arrays ' + str(targets[0]) + ' and ' + str(targets[1]) graph_title += ' of ' + data_file #x, y, graph_title = MakeData(data_coeffs, xmax, xstep, noise_amp, noise_sigma) fit, fit_n, coeffs, sigma = FitDataToPolynomial(x, y, order) bins = # Only one of the following two operations can be performed without a plot error. if graph == 'plot' : PlotFit(x, y, fit_n, fit, coeffs, sigma, graph_title, text_loc=text_loc) elif graph == 'error' : MakeResidualHistogram(y, fit, bins, sigma) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__' : Test()