Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area,
Petroleum Assessment, 1998
Charge. Occurrence of conditions of petroleum generation and migration adequate to cause an accumulation of the minimum size (50 million barrels of oil (MMBO) in-place).
Economically recoverable resources. That part of the technically recoverable resource for which the costs of discovery, development, and production, including a return to capital, can be recovered at a given well-head price.
In-place resources. The amount of petroleum contained in accumulations of at least 50 MMBO without regard to recoverability.
Reservoir. Occurrence of reservoir rocks of sufficient quantity and quality to permit containment of petroleum in volumes sufficient for an accumulation of the minimum size (50 MMBO in-place).
Technically recoverable resources. Volume of petroleum representing that proportion of assessed in-place resources that may be recoverable using current recovery technology without regard to cost.
Trap. Occurrence of those structures, pinch-outs, permeability changes, and similar features necessary for the entrapment and sealing of petroleum in an accum-ulation of the minimum size (50 MMBO in-place).