Assessing, Monitoring, and Managing Carbon Dioxide Emissions from
Oregon State University Resources and Activities
Environmental Defense Fund
by the
Greenhouse Gas Research Team
Center for Analysis of Environmental Change
326, Strand Agriculture Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-2209
September 1999
Greenhouse Gas Research Team Members: Mariah Baker, Kris Brown, Jason Carver, Matt Cranswick, Shelley Fickes, Jill Halupa, Brendan Hart, Shannon Hatcher, Christine Hurst, Deirdre Jackson, Cassie Mellon, Heather Sweet, Melissa Wick, Thom Young
Graduate Student Mentors: Gordon Cumming, Melissa Feldberg
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Michael H. Unsworth, Dr. Jack Dymond, Dr. Denise Lach, Dr. William Winner
Problem Statement
The evolution of fuel sources and land management practices of the modern industrial era has ushered humanity into a carbon-based dependency, which has increased productivity of humankind and has impacted the Earth’s landscape. Industrial processes, energy use, forest management, and individual and social policies all influence the rate at which carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide can be associated with changes to the Earth’s ecosystems. These changes can be detrimental to current physical and social structures that humanity has come to rely upon, such as consistent global climate patterns, energy use and the consumption of fossil fuels, and stable national economics. Carbon dioxide has been addressed globally within the recent Kyoto Accords and has been identified as a major greenhouse gas and contributor to global climate change. The Kyoto Accords set specific goals for reducing CO2 emissions globally and identified forested lands as a sink to sequester CO2. These forests are thought to offset CO2 emitted from sources. Before global change can occur, local action must be taken.
Oregon State University (OSU) is a representative microcosm of other communities around the nation and the world and can be used as an example for setting "greener" standards of greenhouse gas emissions. These "greener" standards aim to promote less dependency on fossil fuels and a better understanding of the broad impacts of CO2 emissions. Our goal is to research approaches to reduce total CO2 emissions at OSU. We propose to assess and analyze trends of CO2 emissions, as well as identify new options for change that reduce CO2 emissions at OSU. An important part of the analysis will be identifying and quantifying sources and sinks of CO2 within OSU’s campus and forests, assessing public acceptability to changes in current energy use, forestry management, and institutional barriers to progress. To address these issues, the Greenhouse Gas Research Team, formed at Oregon State University, is divided into three groups: Energy, Forestry, and Perspectives, Practices, and Policies. Specialized groups provide a broader and clearer integrated coverage for minimizing CO2 emissions at OSU.
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases have become a public issue in recent years due to their possible influence on global warming. Projected global climate change, as a result of increased greenhouse gases in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, has the potential to disrupt the dynamics of human and natural systems. Many scientists believe that increased greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxides, chlorofluorocarbons, and ozone) contribute to an increase in the average global temperature, which can have severe impacts on the environment (Houghton 1997). Growing awareness about the consumption of resources at a rate faster than natural systems can "recycle" them has been instrumental in the development of the concept of sustainability. Sustainability is the use of resources that does not compromise the availability of those resources for use by future generations and the use of resources so as not to degrade its capacity to regenerate (Stiling 1996). The use of fossil fuels, a finite commodity, and their subsequent release of CO2 upon combustion, have thus, become an important issue in the global community (Rezendes 1998). In order to affect social changes concerning emissions, it is necessary to understand global CO2 atmospheric trends and their implications.
Although CO2 is not the most powerful gas, it is plentiful and persists in the atmosphere, making it the most influential greenhouse gas. In Oregon alone, carbon dioxide accounted for approximately 89% of the total time-weighted global warming potential of its greenhouse gas emissions in 1990 (Oregon Office of Energy). Recorded concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere over the past 30 years have shown an increasing trend in the presence of this greenhouse gas. Pre-Industrial atmospheric CO2 levels, based on glacial ice core data, is 280 ppmv (parts per million volume). Measurements of CO2 have been taken at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii since 1959. In that year, CO2 levels were at 316 ppmv. Today, those readings have increased by over 40 ppmv (a 14% change), to 360 ppmv (Keeling et al. 1995). Projections for the next 50 years suggest CO2 concentrations will rise to 500-600 ppmv (an 80-115% increase) if measures are not taken to reduce emissions.
The explosion of anthropogenic CO2 levels began with the Industrial Revolution. The need for increased energy, and thus the combustion of coal and other fossil fuels, became prevalent. Human society still depends on fossil fuels, the dominant source of greenhouse gas emission, to provide heat, electricity, and fuel for transportation. Geological evidence shows that current levels of atmospheric CO2 and methane are higher than they have been in the past 420,000 years (Petit et al. 1999) and the Earth’s temperature is warmer than it has been in the past 1000 years (Mann 1999).
As the planet warms, climate zones will shift poleward, latitudinally displacing each successive climate. Scientists predict a variety of scenarios in which increased temperatures could have a negative impact on existing ecosystems. Water management and allocation systems, fish and bird migrations, vegetation mixes, and land cover could all sustain negative effects. In the Northwest, scientists predict wetter winters and hotter summers, a disrupted water cycle, less hydroelectric power, more air pollution, a rise in disease carrying insects, and more frequent drought (Mazza 1999). Scientists cannot be sure that these scenarios will indeed occur; however, it is prudent that this risk not be taken – to err on the side of safety rather than destruction. Thus, managing CO2 emissions has become one of the means through which the Earth’s climate and ecosystems can be sustained.
For several U.S. cities and universities, it has become an important issue to include the reduction of CO2 emissions in their approach to environmental issues. Portland, Oregon was the first U.S. city to take steps to assess and properly manage CO2 emissions with assistance from U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The University of Vermont has also taken an initiative by developing a campus policy to reduce energy consumption and by joining forces with the city of Burlington’s Climate Protection Task Force to reduce CO2 emissions.
Oregon State University can essentially function as "mini-city" since it has the ability to provide its own power, waste management, and other various public services needed to function as a complete city. By demonstrating that OSU can effectively lower its greenhouse gas emissions through green practices, such as conservation, co-generation and recycling, other communities and campuses can reference OSU’s approach to reducing CO2 emissions. Through this research project, we intend to show that OSU is a forward-looking institution and has the opportunity to set a positive example for other communities and campuses in the issue of greenhouse gas emissions.
Oregon State University has the unique opportunity to have a variety of resources within its campus and vicinity. OSU is strongly placed for developing an approach for greenhouse gas flux analysis and plans for reducing emissions. OSU has 5,788 hectares within its Research Forest that is available for the analysis of CO2 flux. It is one of a very few universities in the United States that have Land-, Sea-, and Space-Grant responsibilities. Its faculty in the Colleges of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Agricultural Science, Forestry, Science, Engineering, the Forest Research Lab, Peavy Arboretum, and Liberal Arts have considerable expertise relevant to greenhouse gas emissions and associated environmental and social issues. In addition, a number of adjacent federal research laboratories have programs in global climate change issues and their researchers collaborate strongly with OSU faculty. These laboratories include the Pacific Northwest Experiment Station of the U.S. Forest Service and the Western Ecology Research Laboratory of the U.S. EPA. Many scientists at OSU collaborate with regional businesses involved in environmental research including consulting and engineering firms, such as CH2M Hill. We hope the final product of this research project can be used as an example to other universities, businesses, and/or cities in conducting their own greenhouse gas studies and working to create sustainable communities.
There are other benefits to reducing greenhouse gas emissions other than preventing climate change and its impacts on the Earth. The OSU campus could save money by taking steps such as making buildings more energy efficient and switching to co-generation. Another benefit from reducing emissions is the achievement of a "green university" reputation. This title demonstrates to the community and the nation that we are conscious of the impact our actions have on the environment and are willing to engage in the necessary steps to shift toward becoming a sustainable university. The promotion of a green university can also have advantages for recruiting both students (undergraduate and graduate) and faculty through the appeal of attending and working within an energy conscious university. Becoming a green campus may not have a large effect on decreasing global warming but, through our leadership role, we can provide a model for other communities to respond to this global problem.
The broad goal of this project is to research how OSU can reduce its total CO2 emissions by taking into account the following specific objectives:
The structure of the Greenhouse Gas Research Team allows for an interdisciplinary approach to address CO2 flux within the OSU campus and forests, thus ensuring a broad range of perspectives and talents are working to explore the breadth of this project. The following sections will lead the reader through the proposed approaches, methods, benefits and applications, and timetables for the three groups: Energy, Forestry, and Perspectives, Practices, and Policies researching how OSU can reduce its total CO2 emissions.
The overall goal of this research project is to assess the feasibility of reducing the CO2 emissions from OSU (figure 1). The research will be targeted towards three areas of focus: 1) calculating CO2 emissions from energy use on campus; 2) assessing CO2 balance of OSU forest lands; 3) evaluating the OSU community for perspectives, practices, and policies concerning greenhouse gases. These three focus groups will integrate their findings to meet the overall research goal. The groups consist of four or five undergraduates and a graduate student, that are mentored by faculty advisors, each a professor at OSU. Each of these groups will carry out specific tasks related to their area of focus.
Energy (Fossil Fuels) Research Group
This group will quantify CO2 emissions from OSU as a result of fossil fuel combustion through energy use to determine the current magnitude of CO2 sources on campus. Estimates of the projected rate of increase for CO2 emissions from fossil fuels will also be made. The aspects of the university’s energy use that create CO2 emissions include transportation, heating and electricity. Electricity and natural gas use, two of the larger sources of CO2 from OSU, can be quantified using existing data from PacifiCorp, OSU’s primary energy provider, and the OSU Department of Facilities and Services. By utilizing software designed to quantify CO2 emissions and by examining OSU’s transportation practices, including commuting of faculty, students and staff, the estimate of total mass of CO2 released by OSU due to fuel consumption can be assessed.
One of the limitations that the Energy group may face in their research is difficulty in gathering information from various university departments due to institutional barriers within OSU and possible time constraints.
Forest Research Group
The goal of this group is to track the flow of carbon through pools that compose forest ecosystems. The approach involves evaluating the flux between these pools and investigating the effects of adjustments to these fluxes. Three pools and fluxes of carbon – forest products, live forest, and detritus (decaying vegetation and debris) – will be analyzed for their current capacity to either emit or sequester CO2. This capacity depends heavily upon past timber harvests and the prevailing vegetation prior to harvests or plantings. Therefore, data on past land use will be incorporated into an evaluation of the net carbon flux of these forests.
The CO2 release resulting from the energy used to harvest the timber and manufacture the forest products will not be included in the analysis of the total net carbon flux, as well as the OSU agricultural lands, which are also beyond the scope of the Forest group’s research. Although these areas also have the capacity to be either sinks or sources of carbon, they will not be included into the research due to time constraints.
Perspectives, Practices, and Policies Research Group
The research objective of this group is to examine the feasibility of implementing greener standards related to greenhouse gas emissions at OSU and expose effective strategies for reducing CO2 emissions. According to Rayner and Malone (1998), considering individuals’ social choices can help researchers assess the how and why of the decision-making process concerning energy use. This group will conduct an assessment of the current perspectives, practices, and policies of the OSU community regarding CO2 emissions and analyze the feasibility of creating a responsive institutional structure that can monitor change. This approach will allow the group to determine the flexibility of faculty, staff and students to make independent and effective energy use choices (Rayner & Malone 1997).
The limitations involved in dealing with the perspectives, practices, and policies at OSU stem from the difficulties of communicating and interacting with people. This restricts experimentation for the group and information must be retrieved through the strategies outlined.
Integration of Group Research
All three of these groups must interact extensively with each other in order to assure the effectiveness of the final result. Once a week, the three research groups will meet to discuss and incorporate specific findings. The analyses and conclusions of one group are insufficient to meet the general research goal without the incorporation of the other groups’ findings. Both the Forest and Energy groups rely upon the research of the Perspectives, Practices, and Policies group in order to understand how to implement changes that will make OSU a more sustainable community.
In order to reach our research goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from OSU, we must first quantify carbon emitted through OSU’s energy use and forestry practices and ascertain the capacity of forestlands in OSU to sequester CO2. Once we have this data, we will identify policies and practices to reduce emissions.
Figure 2, which outlines our methodology, is a graphical representation of the relationship between carbon sources and sinks at OSU and the policy options around them. OSU emits carbon from four main sources: directly (through natural gas use, commuting, and long distance travel) and indirectly (through coal-fired power plants). Forests naturally return carbon to the atmosphere through respiration and decay, but the rate of carbon return is increased significantly when the timber is harvested. Not only does the harvesting process itself release carbon, but the stumps, roots, and other organic forest materials are left behind to decay and release their carbon back into the atmosphere. The extracted timber is turned into forest products, which will also eventually add to CO2 in the atmosphere. The valves within Figure 2 represent opportunities for change in the rate of carbon flux between carbon sources and sinks through altered forestry and energy use practices.
Objective 1 – Determine the current estimates and sources of CO2 emissions from OSU forests and energy practices (Energy group and Forest group)
Energy use on campus and within OSU forestlands release CO2 at significant levels. Their emissions will both be quantified with similar methods. The energy use emissions will be quantified based on records kept by Facility Services and PacifiCorp, using data gained from a public survey (see objective 4), and with computer software currently in development to project current emissions based on existing data.
Carbon Emissions from Energy Use
Two of the four carbon sources related to energy consumption at OSU, electricity and natural gas use, can be quantified similarly to those in the forest, using existing data. According to preliminary data, OSU averaged 70 million kWh (kilowatt-hours) for 1997 and 1998. PacifiCorp calculated that each kWh of electricity they produced, based on their 1998 fuel mix, emitted 630 grams of carbon [PacifiCorp’s Klamath Falls Retail Access Pilot Project 1998]. Consequently, OSU’s electricity use accounted for over 12,027 metric tons of carbon released into the atmosphere in 1997-1998. Although PacifiCorp is OSU’s official electricity provider, we receive electricity produced from all over the Northwest. Therefore, with data showing a more accurate fuel mix in our electricity production we can refine this statistic.
Natural gas (methane) combustion also emits carbon as CO2 into the atmosphere. Based on empirical data, natural gas emits 14.5 Kg of carbon per million Btu’s (Oregon Office of Energy, Report on Reducing Oregon’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions). OSU used approximately 4.66 trillion Btu’s of natural gas in 1995 (Co-Generation Feasibility Report). Therefore, approximately 6,768 metric tons of carbon was emitted in by natural gas in that year alone.
Electricity and natural gas use are large carbon sources for OSU, but many more sources exist. As a guide, we will obtain a copy of a software program, currently in development by Torrie Smith and associates for Tufts University, designed to quantify carbon emissions on university campuses. A version of this software already exists for quantifying emissions and has already been used by several cities, including Portland, Oregon. This software will help us manage the large amounts of data that will be collected throughout the research process. Along with data gained from the public survey about commuting practices at OSU, this software is our best tool in quantifying emissions from commuting.
Carbon Emissions from Forestlands
Current and past logging practices will be used to determine the output of carbon from forest products. If data is available, we will classify products produced from OSU forests into two categories: pulp logs (short-term carbon stores) and saw/veneer logs (long-term carbon stores). If data on harvested trees is not available, it will be assumed that harvested timber from OSU will follow the regional trend. Two computer models will be used to determine the carbon flux associated with logging and forest products. HARVEST is a model used to assess CO2 in decaying material by inputs of harvest data and live forest carbon mass data. FORPROD will be the model used to find the amount of carbon in forest products by inputs of live forest carbon mass data and decaying forest carbon data, as well as harvest information.
The data being used in the forest research have been identified and are available and add to the feasibility of the research. Dr. Mark Harmon, (OSU Professor, Richardson Chair in Forest Science), has done similar research with CO2 flux in forestlands. He has offered to assist us throughout this research project, specifically in obtaining appropriate conversion factors and running, with the possibility of modifying, the necessary models (Mark Harmon, personal communication).
Objective 2 – Determine the rate of increase in energy use on the OSU campus to estimate future CO2 emissions (Energy Group)
Data on energy trends is important for determining a CO2 reduction strategy. A preliminary OSU energy report was obtained from Seward Meintsma (OSU University Engineer), who works at OSU Facility Services. This report contains data on electricity use for the past thirty years and natural gas usage for the past five years. As we obtain more data like this, we will have a clearer picture of how to implement energy reducing policy to slow the rate of energy use increase.
Objective 3 – Determine the capacity for OSU’s Research Forests to sequester carbon from the atmosphere (Forestry Group)
Net CO2 flux from the OSU research forests will be determined by calculating the difference between the CO2 released from forests, and CO2 sequestered by forests. To do this, we will use the inventory data from the forestlands at OSU. With the computer-modeling program ORGANON, this data can be used to determine the age, species distribution, and vegetation density of OSU’s forests. From this data, forest categories will be made ranging from low biomass to high biomass in order to estimate the forest biomass volume and the net carbon flux for all stands. Where inventory data is not available, we can convert the merchantable harvest volume (in board feet of wood) to live forest biomass (total cubic volume and mass carbon) using expansion factors. Debora Johnson (GIS Program Coordinator, OSU Research Forests, College of Forestry) is willing to assist us with gathering the forest data needed (Debora Johnson, personal communication). Seven different forest sites comprise the OSU research forests’ 14,470 acres (5,788 hectares). The McDonald-Dunn forest site is approximately 80% of the total area and has been completely inventoried into systematic transects, providing a significant amount of the data that will be analyzed in this approach.
The ability to use the forest as a sink is directly related to the type of forest composition, successional changes, and management practices currently being used within the forest. Land management practices are essential to determining whether or not the forest can be a CO2 sink. All of the carbon fluxes within the forest, except for forest products, are significantly affected by land management practices. By analyzing the carbon pools, we can determine which practices lead to sinks and which lead to sources of carbon dioxide. The STANDCARB model will be used to estimate the effects of changed land management practices upon carbon sequestration capacity of forestlands. Once CO2 fluxes from current OSU forests are known, we can begin outlining plans to acquire and conserve new forest lands. Such acquisitions may mitigate CO2 emissions from forest stands that are CO2 sources as well as other CO2 sources at OSU.
Objective Four - Analysis of institutionally feasible Perspectives, Practices, and Policies for reducing CO2 emissions. (Perspectives, Practices, and Policies Group)
Primary data collection efforts will focus on surveys, interviews, and observations. The construction of a policy database (discussed below) will help to outline and organize information gained during the data collection process.
Survey, Interviews, and Observations
The survey portion of this project will take place during fall term 1999 (October-December) on the OSU campus and will be administered through the campus and U.S. mail systems. The sample for the survey will be a stratified random sample consisting of 200 faculty and staff and 200 students (100 on-campus, 100 off-campus), for a total sample size of 400. Survey categories include: Personal Information (age, sex, class year, major, etc.), Knowledge/Beliefs about Climate Change, CO2 Producing Behaviors/Energy Use Behaviors, Possible Incentives/Motivations for Behavior Change, and Environmental Values.
Interviews will take place with individuals from various organizations on campus, specifically those with responsibility for making energy-related decisions. As such, our sample of interviewees will be purposively selected, likely consisting of members of the ASOSU Environmental Task Force, Parking Services, University Facilities Services, and other related organizations on campus. A standard set of 10 to 15 open-ended interview questions will be designed, though interviewers will be free to follow any interesting and/or pertinent issues that may arise during the course of the interview. As part of our interview protocol, interviewers will be observing body language, tone of voice, rate of delivery, etc. Examples of questions include 1) What role do you see your particular organization playing in terms of promoting environmental sustainability? 2) What factors, if any, limit your ability to exhibit/promote "green" behaviors (i.e., those that promote sustainability)?
Observational efforts will include both direct observation of behaviors and content analysis of various activities on campus. The major focus will include observations of energy use patterns on campus. Opportunistic interviews will also be conducted during observational outings to provide us with feedback from individuals relating directly to the behaviors and/or practices observed. For example, energy use in various buildings on campus can be assessed by conducting walk-throughs to note unnecessary energy use (e.g., lights or computers on in rooms that are not being used). Buildings will be observed at various times to produce reliable data and may be observed more than once to see if behaviors are stable or varied.
As part of our secondary data analysis, we will examine the results of surveys, such as the Project Vote Smart National Survey 1998 and the Oregon State University Transportation Survey, as well as our own survey, in order to determine if green behaviors have changed over time.
Program and Policy Options Database
In addition, we will conduct a content analysis of programs and/or policies in place at OSU and in other organizations and local governments to create a programs and policy options database including information such as 1) Title/Name of the Program, 2) Location, 3) Summary, 4) Incentives, 5) Results, and 6) Source (contact person). This database will serve as an archive of options that may be helpful in developing a strategy for reducing CO2 emissions at OSU. Once the database is compiled, a comparative analysis of effective programs, incentives and motivations will be conducted. Following assessment of effectiveness, modifications will be made to certain programs and policies so that they may be used in determining the feasibility of implementing green behavior standards at OSU.
Expected Results
One of the most significant results of this research will be estimating the amount of CO2 OSU emits from burning fossil fuels (e.g. heating, lighting, electricity, transportation, hood stacks, and maintenance equipment). To accomplish this, we will identify the different fossil fuels used and the amount of each burned for OSU’s energy needs. Through primary data analysis, we will be identifying PacifiCorp’s fossil fuel mixes and quantifying their CO2 emissions associated with providing OSU’s electricity. Additionally, we will analyze the energy inefficiency associated with line loss involved with transporting power to OSU. Determining the energy efficiency of OSU buildings will allow us to further analyze CO2 emissions and determine areas of campus that can be modified to use energy more efficiently. Furthermore, our research will determine the rate of increase in CO2 emissions from OSU using current energy providers. By combining these trends with the energy-use data, we can predict future energy demand, consumption, and CO2 emissions for OSU. Ultimately, the study intends to provide OSU with possible energy alternatives to reduce and mitigate OSU’s CO2 emissions.
By determining whether OSU research forests are a net sink or source of CO2, we can conclude whether OSU forests either mitigate CO2 sources resulting from OSU energy use and land management practices or contribute to them. Both primary and secondary data analysis will quantify the net CO2 flux within OSU research forests as a result of forest products harvested from OSU forestlands. We will also understand how OSU forest management practices affect CO2 flux within the OSU community. Combining and analyzing the forestry data will determine the optimal forest structure, size, and management necessary to maximize CO2 sequestration.
To determine the possibilities for reducing and mitigating CO2 emissions from OSU, we intend to establish a database consisting of programs, practices, and policies that have been successfully implemented at other sites. The database will include an assessment of the economic feasibility and cost benefit analysis for policy and program implementation at OSU. Furthermore, our research will provide information concerning trends in current energy use-related attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
An interdisciplinary approach for this research project will provide information from a variety of viewpoints. Working together and synthesizing data from the three groups will ultimately result in a written report and presentations by Earth Day 2000. Our results will be presented to the OSU community, the Environmental Defense Fund, and other relevant parties. We also intend to submit our report to journals for professional peer review and make our research available to other institutions and communities as a model for analyzing, reducing, and balancing CO2 emissions.
Benefits and Applications
The products of this research will have a variety of benefits and applications to the OSU community and beyond. OSU’s current perspectives, practices, and policies, energy consumption, and forestlands will be reviewed and scrutinized, taking into account CO2 emissions and the potential of global climate change. The OSU community could achieve a form of sustainability in which cleaner energy sources are used, energy use leans toward conservation and limited CO2 emissions, and CO2 is removed from the atmosphere.
Sustainability, in terms of climate change, would entail the consumption of green energy, which emits little or no CO2. Such methods of energy generation on or near the OSU community might include one or a combination of solar, wind, and co-generation. A long-term financial benefit is feasible from these more sustainable forms of energy because after the initial investment, there are very few costs beyond the maintenance of equipment. In the case of co-generation, natural gas would still need to be purchased, but this is relatively inexpensive when compared to purchasing electricity for several decades. Electricity from these sources would be free to the OSU community, since it would own the equipment and the lines. Overall conservation of energy would be increased by generating electricity on site because there would be no loss of energy due to inefficient power lines stretched over hundreds of miles. These steps toward sustainability would undoubtedly give the OSU campus a green reputation that would recruit a body of students and faculty concerned with these issues.
This research will generate baseline data pertinent to policies, practices, energy use and forest management on the OSU community. This baseline of current practices will be used to identify trends in each of these areas. Analysis of these trends facilitates the prediction of future CO2 levels and helps in comparing our current practices regarding CO2 sources and sinks to the past. From the policy database, a comparative analysis of programs, incentives, and motivations will be conducted. This knowledge will help shape future priorities in the areas of policy, practices, perceptions, energy use, and forest management.
Work can be done now to limit future CO2 emissions from the campus. This research can be applied to create a strategy for reducing total CO2 emissions by changing behaviors that rely heavily on energy and managing forests so that they are a CO2 sink rather than a CO2 source.
A major benefit of this research at OSU is its interdisciplinary approach, which mimics the approach necessary to address the problem of global climate change. Since the scope of this problem is so immense, regardless of scale, it takes several approaches (such as the energy, forest management and policies, practices and perspective) to encompass it. This research includes learning how to approach the potential problem of climate change from these different perspectives, as well as identifying trends in CO2 emissions and creating options for the decrease in CO2 levels.
Developing this kind of approach can be shared with other campuses and institutions that want to be a part of the solution to global climate change. Regardless of the success or failure of this approach, this kind of work alerts people to the problem, and the subsequent knowledge will be transferred to other settings and modified until viable solutions to the global trend of increasing CO2 emissions are developed.
1999-2000 | ||||||
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
Determine and analyze the current level of CO2 emissions from energy use at OSU |
Determine the current net and gross CO2 flux from OSU forests |
Determine the net and gross CO2 flux produced by timber products harvested from OSU lands |
Interviews / Observations of individuals at OSU
Survey of energy use at OSU
Survey and Interview / Observation data analysis |
Determine the current level of CO2 emissions from transportation and miscellaneous campus functions |
Characterize the forest structure, size, and management necessary for mitigating carbon flux from all OSU forests |
Determine the potential for land management practices to affect CO2 flux |
Policy database & comparative analysis
Propose potential policy options and analyze them to determine the feasibility of CO2 reduction strategies |
Final synthesis and analysis of data
Write report
Presentation of the final report
The Energy group consists of Jason Carver, Matt Cranswick, Jill Halupa, Brendan Hart, and Shannon Hatcher. The members of the Forest group are Christine Hurst, Deirdre Jackson, Cassie Mellon, Heather Sweet, and Thom Young. The Perspectives, Practices, and Policy group includes Mariah Baker, Kris Brown, Shelley Fickes, and Melissa Wick.