- None
- disappearing arctic lakes science v308p1429 03june2005.pdf
- European Seasonal and Annual Temperature Variability, Trends, and Extremes Since 1500,science v303(5663)p1499 4march2004.pdf
- european seasonal and annual temperature variability supporting material 2.pdf
- Mann Jones1.pdf
- scientific consensus on climate change science 03dec2004 v306p1686.pdf
- temperature trends in lower atmosphere sap1-1-final-execsum.pdf
Local Web Pages
- Bradley Various reconstructions of temperature over the last 1000-2000 years.htm
- Variations of the Earth's surface temperature.html
External Web Pages
- None
- european mean temperature 1500-2003 zse0090423440001.jpg
- european temperature anomalies zse0090423440002.jpg
- european temperature trends zse0090423440003.jpg
- None