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     Product Description

Imagine your own reliable supply of electricity in a compact, quiet, self-contained package - a fuel cell called the HomeGen. This new energy system now under development, will generate electricity at your home. Because it HomeGen is fueled by natural gas or LPG -- it will be both efficient and environmentally friendly . Installed in your back yard, the HomeGen fuel cell is being designed to provide 100% of your home's energy needs.

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quicktime movie of
the electricity
generating process!


The HomeGen fuel cell will produce electricity by combining the hydrogen contained in natural gas or LPG with oxygen in the air. The system has three major components:

  1. A fuel processor extracts the hydrogen from the gas or LPG.
  2. A fuel cell changes the hydrogen to electricity.
  3. A power conditioner converts the fuel cell electricity to the type and quality of power that you use today.

Discover the technology behind fuel cells - click here.

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