NFCRC Project Descriptions:
The production of electricity using a hybrid solid oxide fuel cell
integrated with a micro-turbine generator (SOFC-MTG) is nothing less than
a quantum leap compared to current state-of-the-art power production.
Projected efficiencies of almost 80% would more than double the efficiency
of current, state-of-the-art electricity production technology. The
first testing of an SOFC-MTG unit is being conducted at the NFCRC under
contract with Edison International and Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation
with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and the California Energy
The proton exchange membrane (PEM) type fuel cell is the most likely
candidate for replacing the IC engine as the power plant for vehicles.
This is due to the high power density and power availability of the PEM
type fuel cell. PEM fuel cells are also very efficient (? > 55%)
when operated on hydrogen. In order to succeed in the transportation
sector the PEM fuel cell must operate on a widely available transportation
fuel. Since the PEM fuel cell is particularly susceptible to poisoning
from CO and losses of overall efficiency with inefficient fuel reformation,
advanced fuel reformation studies are being conducted at the NFCRC.
This work is being conducted with Energy and Environmental Research Corporation,
Plug Power, Edison International, and BOC Gas under a PRDA program sponsored
by the U.S. Department of Energy.
A 25 kW solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) from Siemens Westinghouse Power
Corporation is being tested and evaluated at the National Fuel Cell Research
Center. This SOFC unit has been operated for over 9,000 hours and
has proven the fuel flexibility of SOFC technology by operating on diesel
and JP-8 fuels (with the use of an external reformer). This tutorial
fuel cell is used for a number of research and development activities and
also serves as a showcase fuel cell for the NFCRC. The research and
development activities include: (1) dynamic modeling development
and validation, (2) steady-state modeling validation, (3) testing of a
new control strategies, (4) inverter technology research development and
demonstration, and (5) research and development of combustion heating devices
to be used during start-up and shut down of the SOFC. These activities
are supported by Siemens Westinghouse Power Corporation, Edison International,
the U.S. Department of Energy and the California Energy Commission.
With funding from the California Energy Commission, the NFCRC is currently
conducting a 3-year investigation to develop standardized analysis strategies
for the evaluation of solid oxide fuel cell systems and cycles. Fuel
cells have the potential to play a significant role in meeting the near-
and medium-term requirements for energy efficient and environmentally responsible
power generation. One of the major obstacles facing the development
and deployment of fuel cell systems and cycles is a requirement for analysis
strategies. These analysis strategies bridge between technology development,
commercialization and successful deployment of the technology.
For technology development and commercialization, analysis strategies
are needed to: (1) identify and optimize systems and cycles specific to
an application, and (2) establish a standardized format for intra and inter
industry comparisons. For the deployment, analysis strategies are
needed for public information and education. The goal of this 3-year
project is to develop, demonstrate, and implement advanced analysis strategies
for fuel cell systems and cycles with three specific products:
Optimized Systems and Cycles. A tool that identifies systems and
cycles that optimize the overall cycle efficiency with concomitant minimization
of environmental impact for a variety of major applications (i.e., calculate
how to best produce electricity cheaply while minimizing adverse effects
on the environment and conserving natural resources).
Standardized Analysis Format: A standardized format for industry
to evaluate their own methods and to provide and anchor for comparison
between vendors.
Web-Based Public Information Tutorial: An internet clearinghouse
and tutorial education resource that allows interactive, analysis based
exercises for conveying fuel cell technologies and benefits.
Dynamic modeling tools for the evaluation of molten carbonate fuel
cells (MCFC) and MCFC hybrid systems are under development at the NFCRC.
This project includes the development of specific dynamic modeling modules
to simulate the dynamic system response of MCFC cells, the implementation
of the MCFC module in a canned dynamic modeling software package (Saber),
and the integration of the MCFC module with standard balance of plant modules
(e.g., valves, regulators, pumps, compressors, turbines) to simulate MCFC
hybrid systems. The model development is accomplished in cooperation
with the Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) under a cooperative research
and development agreement (CRADA). This project is sponsored by the
U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL).
A test stand for detailed control of flows and operating parameters
and detailed measurement of a single molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC)
is installed in the NFCRC. This test stand can test a 4 inch by 4
inch MCFC under atmospheric or pressurized conditions up to 5 atmospheres.
In addition to determining the operating and performance characteristics
of new MCFC designs, the test stand is used to: (1) evaluate the fuel flexibility
of MCFCs, (2) determine the effects of start-up and shut-down cycles on
MCFC performance, (3) determine the sensitivity of MCFC performance on
operating parameters, and (4) provide dynamic data for the validation of
dynamic modeling tools. This work is supported by and conducted in
cooperation with M-C Power Corporation and the U.S. Department of Energy.
With sponsorship from the U.S. Department of Energy and the California
Energy Commission, the NFCRC is working with Siemens Westinghouse Power
Corporation to develop a next generation hybrid fuel cell gas turbine engine
system. The design and testing of this concept and the associated
analyses will be based in-part on the scale-up of results obtained from
a 250 kW solid oxide fuel cell micro-turbine generator (SOFC-MTG) project.
This project includes the design of a solid oxide fuel cell and a small,
recuperated gas turbine engine along with the integration of these two
systems to produce a hybrid power plant that will produce at least 1 MW
of electricity while operating on natural gas. The design will also
include the incorporation of appropriate controls and DC-to-AC inverter
technology to couple and control the hybrid system on a utility power grid.
The NFCRC has designed and is operating a facility for testing advanced
power generation systems operation and operability on a biogas, landfill
gas and/or other renewable and fossil fuels of varying composition.
This capability is required to address a critical need for fuel cell technologies
as well as other advanced power generation technologies such as micro-turbine
generators or hydrogen powered vehicles. The next generation of fuel
cell technologies needs to develop and demonstrate fuel flexibility in
order to be widely applied. In order to address this need, testing
of actual power generation systems on fuel streams that simulate biomass
gasification, landfill gas, methanol or other hydrocarbon reforming, and
variations in natural gas throughout the world is a necessary next step.
The goal is to develop and demonstrate the ability of fuel cells and other
advanced power generation technologies to accommodate a variation in both
the heating content and species composition of projected future and renewable
fuel feed stocks.
A test bed for beta-testing of distributed energy and power technologies
is located at the NFCRC. The test-bed consists of natural gas metering,
cogeneration capability, power quality monitoring and access for a total
of four (4) distributed power generation technologies along with corresponding
access to the building electrical grid for each of the units. The
current beta-testing is focused on micro-turbine generators (MTGs). The
testing consists of start-up and shut-down testing, power quality, reliability,
availability, durability and maintainability (RAMD) testing along with
noise and emissions measurements. Current units being evaluated include
a 28 kW Capstone unit, and a 35 kW and a 60 kW Bowman unit. Within
the year, the beta testing will be expanded to include an MTG from AlliedSignal,
Elliot and Northern Research Engineering Corporation. This test bed
provides the NFCRC with the important capability of evaluating fuel cells
and presenting them in the context of other distributed power generation
technologies. This work is accomplished with and sponsored by Edison
International, the California Energy Commission and the U.S. Department
of Energy.
Evaluation of a state-of-the-art photovoltaic (PV) roof installation
using the thin-film amorphous PV technology of Solar Utilities, Inc. is
being conducted at the National Fuel Cell Research Center. Along
with the MTG test bed, this PV installation provides the NFCRC with the
important capability to objectively present the advantages and disadvantages
of fuel cells in comparison to other advanced power generation technologies.
The current PV-roof installation has a nominal 5 kW output consisting of
approximately 1200 square feet of exposed surface area. This project
is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy through a Solar Neighborhood
program and Southern California Edison.