Note: the first two questions are independent from the remaining problems. Please attempt 3-4 even if you can't get 1-2 to work. 1. First evaluate (i) at x_j, then approximate y''(x_j) using 5.91 in terms of y(x_{j-1}), y(x_j), and y(x_{j+1}). Finally, denote y(x_j) as y_j. 2. Might help to do this backwards. Write the matrix and vector for the case where n=4. Multiply out A*y and convert to a system of equations. Make sure that the first and last equations match with (ii.) and (iii). The middle equations should match with (1) for j=1,...,n-1. 3. Use GEpivot as a function, you should not have to code A into the script. You may check your answer with yi=A\b; (which uses Matlab's built-in GE). 4. Don't forget to time GEpivot as well! 5. [1;2*ones(n-1,1);1] gives a vector of n-1 2's in the middle, with a 1 on top and bottom.