Matlab Tutorial

Written by:

Steve McKelvey
Mathematics and Computer Science
Saint Olaf College

for the Envision It! Workshop, April 12, 1997

This tutorial is designed to reacquaint you with the MATLAB ideas initially presented by Tom Huber at the Envision It! workshop held at Arlington High School in late January. My hope is that this material will prove to be good preparation for Tom's follow up workshop on April 12th.

Most of the material in this tutorial is derived from the worksheets presented at the January workshops. These documents can be accessed directly by visiting Tom's homepage at Gustavus Adolphus College. Check under the Envision It! item.

Matrices, Arrays and Vectors

The name MATLAB is a contraction of the phrase "matrix laboratory." While the software has progressed well beyond its original incarnation as a tool dedicated to performing matrix computations, the software is still based on the notation of arrays and matrices.

A matrix is simply a rectangular list of numbers. The "size" of a matrix is given as two numbers, the first is traditionally the number of rows in the matrix while the second is the number of columns in the matrix. Matrices are usually written in tabular form contained between two large parentheses or square brackets.

For example, the matrix below is a 2x3 (this size is read "two by three") matrix without the enclosing parenteses or brackets.

   34   56   31
  -45    6   43

The individual entries in the matrix can be references using subscripts enclosed in parentheses after the name of the matrix. For example, if the matrix above is named A then A(1,2) would refer to the entry in the first row, second column, namely 56.

Arrays, sometimes called vectors, are special cases of matrices, namely arrays have a single row or a single column of numbers. Arrays with a single row of numbers are called row vectors to contrast them with column vectors. Only one subscript is needed to reference a particular entry in an array.

MATLAB and Matrices

To create a matrix and assign it a name within the MATLAB program simply fire up MATLAB and at the prompt enter the matrix's name, an equal sign (=), and an open bracket ([). Next enter the numbers, separated by either commas or blank spaces, which make up the first row of the matrix. If your matrix has only one row, type in the close bracket (]) and hit RETURN. If you have several rows to enter, signify the end of each row with a semicolon before proceeding to enter the values for the next row. (No semicolon is necessary after the last row.) When you have finished entering all the entries of the matrix type a close bracket and hit RETURN. Your matrix should appear on the screen.

As an example, consider the 2x3 matrix given above. To give this matrix the name A we would enter the following at the MATLAB prompt:

A = [ 34 56 31; -45 6 43 ]

MATLAB includes a command which returns the size of an array or matrix. The command is the size command. It returns a row vector whose first entry is the number of rows in the argument and whose second entry is the number of columns.

As an example the command

would return the vector [2 3] if A is the matrix defined in the example above.

Tutorial Task:

  1. Fire up MATLAB on your computer can create two 3x5 matrices and name them tut1 and tut2. The matrix you call tut2 should contain no zeros.
  2. Use the size command to verify the size of the matrices you created above.

Shortcuts for Matrix Creation

Many special matrices appear so frequently that the designers of MATLAB have created shortcuts for creating them.

  1. To create a square matrix of all zeros, the MATLAB command `zeros' is perfect. For example, to create a 10x10 matrix of all zeros and then to name the matrix temp the command
    temp = zeros(10)
    will do the trick.

    To create a non-square matrix consisting of all zeros it is necessary to use a second version of the command. This version takes two arguments, the number of rows and the number of columns in the matrix being created. For example, to create a 3x5 matrix of all zeros, the command

    many0 = zeros(3,5)
    could be used.
  2. The MATLAB command ones works in a fashion exactly like the zeros command. For example, to create a row vector of all ones the command ones is what you want. To create a row vector of 99 ones named lonely we could enter
    lonely = ones(1,99)
  3. To create the identity matrix, a square matrix of all zeros except the main diagonal is all ones, the MATLAB command eye (a play on the usual I notation for the identity matrix) works nicely.
    ident = eye(5)
    creates the 5x5 identity matrix.
  4. To create an array (row vector) whose entries are spaced a specified distance from each other, consider the following MATLAB construct.
    test = 0:4:20
    would create the row vector [0 4 8 12 16 20] and names it test. The first entry in the vector is given by the first entry in the command, the second entry in the command gives the interval between entries (a.k.a. the stepsize), 4 in this case. The last entry tells the process when to stop, at 20 in this example.

    If only two numbers are given, e.g. 1:10, MATLAB assumes the stepsize is 1.

In some of these examples you may have been overwhelmed with output after you entered the command. One nice MATLAB trick is to suppress the printed output by ending any command with a semicolon.

Tutorial Task:

  1. Compare the result of the following two commands. Explain the difference in output.
    a1 = zeros(10)
    a2 = zeros(10);
  2. What vector is created by the expression 1:2:10?
  3. Create a vector of all even integers between 5 and 25.

Arithmetic Operations on Matrices

MATLAB's power is in its ability to perform matrix arithmetic very efficiently. MATLAB divides its matrix arithmetic into two varieties, componentwise operations in which the indicated operation is performed on two matrices of exactly the same size and the resulting matrix is also of this common size. The entries in the resulting matrix are calculated by performing the operation on entries occupied the same position within each matrix.

The second type of matrix arithemetic is the more traditional type of matrix multiplication and exponentiation taught in high school and college algebra classes.

Aside from operations on pairs of matrices, MATLAB also allows for operations on a matrix and a number (also known as a scalar).

In the sections below we cover each of these types of arithmetic operations.

Scalar Operations

There are four scalar operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, denoted by the symbols + - * and / respectively. In each case the indicated operation is performed on each entry in the matrix.

As an example, consider the two MATLAB commands shown below:

fdj = [ 1 2 3;5 4 3; 6 5 8 ];
abc = 3*fdj;
The matrix abc contains entries created by multiplying the corresponding entries of fdj.

Tutorial Activity:

  1. Create matrices fdj and abc as indicated above and verify that abc was created successfully by entering the MATLAB command:
    which should show you the contents of the matrix abc.
  2. Determine the result of the following scalar arithmetic operations:
    in each case the indicated operation should be performed on each entry of the matrix fdj.

Matrix Addition and Subtraction

MATLAB's componentwise matrix addition and subtraction matches the traditional form of the same operations. For two matrices to be added or subtracted they must be of the same size. When two matrices are added the resulting matrix is of the same size as the original matrices. The entries are computed by adding or subtracting the corresponding entries in the two original matrices. This addition or subtraction is indicated to MATLAB by placing a + or - sign between two matrices. For example, the MATLAB commands:

abc = [1 2;3 4]
def = abc - [6 -1; 2 0]
would print out the square matrix with -5 and 3 in the first row and 1 and 4 in the second row. This new matrix would be given the name def.

Tutorial Task

  1. Determine and explain the results of these MATLAB commands:
    abc = 1:10;
    def = 5:14;
    ghi = 3*abc + def
  2. Determine and explain the results of these MATLAB commands:
    abc = [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8];
    def = [4 3 2 1;0 -1 -3 3];
    abc + def

Componentwise Matrix Multiplication and Division

This notion of matrix multiplication differs from the traditional matrix multiplication taught in advanced algebra classes. In traditional advanced algebra classes the notion of matrix division is not covered. In the componentwise matrix multiplication and division the two matrices must be of the same size. If componentwise multiplication or division is performed on a pair of matrices, the resulting matrix is the same size as the original two matrices. The entries of the new matrix are calculated by performing the indicated operation (either multiplication or division) on the entries from the two original matrices which occupy the identical position in both.

For example, the three MATLAB commands:

abc = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
def = [1 2 1; -1 3 -2];
create a matrix whose first row has entries 1, 4 and 3. The second row has entries -4, 15 and -12.

Note that MATLAB does NOT use the asterisk to denote this componentwise multiplication. The asterisk, by itself, represents the more traditional form of matrix multiplication. To indicate componentwise multiplication MATLAB uses the dot-star notation, namely a period followed immediately by an asterisk.

The same idea holds for componentwise division. The MATLAB symbol for this is dot-slash (./).

Tutorial Task

Create three 3x2 matrices named A, B and C and compute A.*B + C and (A+B)./C. Try to determine the results before asking MATLAB to perform the computation.

Componentwise Exponentiation

MATLAB uses the dot-carat (.^) to signify componentwise exponentiation. The exponent is a scalar and the .^ operation simply means to raise each entry in the matrix to the indicated power. For example,

abc = [1 2;3 4];
would print out a 2x2 matrix whose entries were 1, 4, 9 and 16.

Traditional Matrix Multiplication

Traditional matrix multiplication is a very useful operation which is somewhat tedious to define. It is beyond the scope of this MATLAB tutorial, but I encourage you to discuss the matter with a mathematics teacher at your school if you are interested. For this tutorial we will stick to a very useful special case of matrix multiplication, namely the multiplication of a row vector by a column vector.

For the product of a row vector by a column vector to be defined, the two vectors must contain the same number of entries. If this is true, then the product is a scalar computed by first multiplying the corresponding entries in the two vectors and then summing up the resulting products. This idea is almost identical to the idea of a dot product or inner product often discussed in vector algebra sections.

The symbol MATLAB uses to indicate traditional matrix multiplication is the asterisk without a dot.

This rather strange definition of matrix multiplication can be extremely useful. If the product turns out to be zero, this means the vectors, considered as arrows on a graph, are perpendicular to each other. If the two vectors being multiplied have the same entries in the same order, then the square root of the product is the vector's length. Lastly, multiplying a vector by an appropriately sized vectors of all ones is a quick way to add up the entries in the original vector.

A common task facing the MATLAB user is to change a column or row vector into the other. This can be accomplished using the MATLAB transpose operator, the apostrophe ('). If A is a row vector, the notation A' signifies a column vector whose entries are identical to those of A. A similar transformation occurs if you begin with a column vector.

Tutorial Tasks

  1. Why does the last MATLAB command below fail?
    abc = [1 2 3 4];
    def = [2 5 4 3];
    abc * def
  2. Why does the last MATLAB command below work?
    abc = [1 2 3 4];
    def = [2 5 4 3];
    abc * def'
  3. This exercise demonstrates a quick way to total the entries in a vector. Suppose we have an array A (row vector) with, say, 123 entries in it. The sum of these entries can be easily computed using the MATLAB command:
    which multiplies the vector A with the column (after the transpose) vector made up of 123 ones. The result of this product is the total of the 123 entries in A.

    To explore this technique create a row vector with 10 entries, and use the idea above to direct MATLAB to compute the sum of the entries.

  4. Use the idea above, along with the short cut method for creating vectors whose entries have constant stepwidths, to create a single MATLAB command which sums up all the integers from 1 to 100. (HINT: The answer should be 5050.)
  5. What is the sum of all the even integers between 1 and 1001?

Functions Applied to Arrays and Matrices

MATLAB supports a large suite of functions, including the usual trigonometry functions as well as functions designed specifically for matrices, such as the matrix inverse function.

Most of the functions we will use are functions which are often applied to single numbers when used outside the context of MATLAB. An example would be the sine trigonometric function. When applied to a matrix in MATLAB these functions perform in a componentwise fashion. As an example, consider the matrix

nums=[0 5*pi/6 pi/2; pi/6 pi 2*pi]
The command
would return the 2x3 matrix whose first row is 0, 0.5 and 1 while the second row is 0.5, 0 and 0.

Tutorial Task

Using the window under the Apple Menu identify three more MATLAB functions which are usually applied to numbers but can also be applied to matrices within MATLAB.

Two Dimensional Plots

To create two dimensional graphs of functions or other data, it is necessary to create two row vectors which contain the x and y coordinates, respectively, of the points to be plotted. MATLAB plot command connects the points indicated by these coordinates with a series of straight lines.

For example, the following three MATLAB commands generate a unit square whose lower left hand corner is the origin.

x = [ 0 1 1 0 0];
y = [ 0 0 1 1 0];
While the physical drawing of the square occurs too quickly to watch, MATLAB begins at the origin and draws the square in the direction indicated by the points, in this case counterclockwise.

More traditional mathematical graphs can be created by first defining the range of x values over which you want to graph and then creating a vector which contains a good number of value in this x range. For example, to create a graph of the function
y = sin(x)*cos(x)^2
over the range -2*pi to 2*pi, we could enter the following MATLAB commands:

x = -2*pi:0.1:2*pi;
y = sin(x).*cos(x).^2;
Note the componentwise arithmetic here. This is critical to the proper functioning of the plot command.

It is possible to place more than one graph on a single plot. The MATLAB commands below plot both the sine and cosine curve on the same plot.


Tutorial Tasks

  1. Create a graph of the function y=x/(1+x^2) for values of x between -5 and 5. First divide this interval into ten equal slices for graphing, and then do the same exercise dividing the interval into 100 equal slices. What effect do you see on the resolution of the plot?
  2. Create a plot of a baseball diamond in as much detail as you would like. If you want to include a pitcher's mound you might want to take a look at the next task.
  3. What shape does the following set of MATLAB commands generate?
    theta = 0 : 0.05 : 2*pi;
    hold on
    When you are finished using the image, type hold off. To see the effect of the axis('square') statement, enter the MATLAB command axis('normal') and redraw the graph.
  4. As a final example, try entering these MATLAB commands. This graph is usually part of a calculus course dealing with polar coordinates.
    theta = 0 : 0.1 : 2*pi;
    r = sin(3*t);
    plot(r .* cos(theta), r .* sin(theta))
    Note the componentwise multiplication used in this problem, indicated by the dot-asterisk (.*) notation.

    As an optional exercise (I'm a mathematician after all) guess what happens if the sin(3*t) term is changed to sin(4*t). Then test your guess by creating the graph.

Three Dimensional Graphs

To create a 3-D graph we need to create three matrices. The first gives the x coordinates, the second gives the y coordinates and the third gives the z coordinates.

These matrices can be created in a series of steps. As an example, let's consider the graph of the function
z = (2 sin(3x))/( (x^2+2)(y^2+1) ).
for values of x and y between -3 and 3.

The steps for achieving this are:

  1. Create a row vector containing the values of x we wish to consider (-3 to 3 in this case) and another row vector containing the values of y we are considering.
  2. Create two matrices which contain x and y coordinates of interest. This is usually accomplished with the meshgrid command.
  3. Create a matrix of the same size as the two created above which contains the z coordinates of the function to be graphed. The formula creating this matrix usually involves componentwise arithmetic operations.

The following MATLAB commands carry out these three steps for the example we are considering.

x = -3:0.2:3;
y = -3:0.2:3;
[X Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = 2*sin(3*X)./( (X.^2 + 2).*(Y.^2 + 1) );
Try these out for yourself and see the results. Note how the formula for Z is related to the mathematics with which we started. See if you can explain why each period in the Z formula must be there.

If you prefer contour maps to surface maps, try the contour command:

and a graph of the contour lines for the function will eventually appear.

Tutorial Tasks

  1. Using the help function of MATLAB, investigate the mesh command.
  2. The function z=cos(2*(x+y)) produces surface plots of calm, peaceful waves. Graph this function for values of x and y between -10 and 10. Use stepsizes on the order of 0.2 or 0.3 when creating your x and yvectors.

Age-Class Population Model

One of the current social issues receiving a fair amount of publicity in the media is the question of the age distribution of the human population in the United States. The usual context for this problem is the question of the future solvency of the social security system, but there are many other important questions dealing with future populations and the age structure of that population. (The need for new elementary, middle and high schools, for example.)

In this section of the tutorial you will build a simple model which forecasts an age structured population many years into the future. The assumptions are based on the premise that certain demographic parameters remain constant over the period of the time being studied. As the tutorial progresses, I will develop an example of this type of model called the Leslie Matrix model while encouraging you to develop a similar model on your own.

The main idea of these models is to split a population into several distinct age classes and model how individuals are created and subsequently move from one age class to the next. In the Leslie model every member of one age class either dies or moves into the next age class at every iteration of the model. In the model you will be constructing individuals will experience one of three possibilities: death, stasis (remaining in the same age class) and maturation (moving on to the next age class).

Focusing for awhile on the Leslie model, there are two parameters associated with each age class. The percent survival rate for the age class represents the proportion of the individuals in an age class which survive to move into the next age class during the next iteration of the model. The second parameter is the fecundity parameter which represents how many offspring (age class zero) are produced, on average, by each member of the age class. (Some argue convincingly that fecundity is most closely related to the number of females in the population and thus create Leslie models which count only the females in a population.)

To continue our development of the Leslie Model we require an introduction of some mathematical notation. Suppose P(i) represents the population of age class i. If s(i) represents the survival rate of age class i, then the population in age class i+1 in the next iteration can be computed using the current population in age class i through the formula
next iteration's P(i+1) = s(i)*P(i).
If we let N be the last age class in our model (all individuals in age class N die before the next iteration) then the formula above works for values of i from 0 up to N-1, inclusive. This still leaves us without a population for the next iteration's youngest age class, age class 0.

The fecundity parameters are used to determine how many newborns are created during the next iteration of the model. If we let f(i) be the fecundity (average birth rate) per individual in age class i, then the total number of newborns will be:
f(0)*P(0) + f(1)*P(1) + f(2)*P(2) + ... + f(N)*P(N)

If P is a column vector of population by age class, then it is possible to compute the P vector for the next iteration through a simple matrix (non-componentwise) multiplication. In particular, if A is the (N+1)x(N+1) matrix whose first row is the fecundity rates f(i) and whose diagonal below the main diagonal is made up of the survival rates s(i), then the next iteration's population column vector can be found by performing the matrix multiplication A*P.

As an example, suppose we have a population of critters who never grow past five years old. Suppose, further, that 80% of the critters survive each year to move onto the next age class, with the exception of the five year old critters which always die. If newborns and yearlings have no offspring, and if middle aged critters (2, 3 and 4 year olds) have, on average, 0.35 newborns each year, while the oldest critters (5 year olds) have only 0.1 newborns on average, how can we use current populations to forecast future populations and the age structure of that population?

In this model the parameters are given in the table below:

Age Class    Survival Rate     Birthrate
    i            s(i)             f(i)

    0            0.8              0.00
    1            0.8              0.00
    2            0.8              0.35
    3            0.8              0.35
    4            0.8              0.35
    5            ---              0.10

To create the matrix A mentioned above for this particular set of parameters, the MATLAB command below would do the trick. (Note the elipses at the end of some lines. This is how we enter a MATLAB command which takes more than one line to complete.)

A = [ 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.10; 0.8 0 0 0 0 0; ...
0 0.8 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0.8 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0.8 0 0; ...
0 0 0 0 0.8 0]
which creates the matrix A shown below:
A     =
   0.0000    0.0000    0.3500    0.3500    0.3500    0.1000
   0.8000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
   0.0000    0.8000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
   0.0000    0.0000    0.8000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.8000    0.0000    0.0000
   0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.8000    0.0000

To forecast the future age structured population of our colony of critters we need only determine the current age structured population, represent this population as a column vector P and then move forward one year at a time in our model by performing the multiplication A*P.

For example, if our initial population consists of sixty critters evenly spread throughout the six age classes, our initial P vector would be:

P = [10;10;10;10;10;10]
Note that the semicolons cause P to be a column vector. We could have achieved the same end by separating the 10's with spaces or commas, creating a row vector, and then using the matrix transform operator (an apostrophe).

To determine the population distribution next year we multiply A and P giving the vector

If we want the population two years in the future there are a number of ways to proceed. First, we can take the vector above and multiply it by A to get the population for the next iteration. Proceeding in this fashion we get a series of vectors, each of which gives the population for the succeeding iteration.

If we only want populations for specific future years a second way may make more sense. This method is based on noting that for each year into the future we go, we arrive at the population by multiplying by the matrix A. Thus, if we want to go ten years into the future we get there by multiplying by A ten times. We can simplify this process by using the (noncomponentwise) matrix exponentiation operator carat (^).

To move ten years into the future we start with the current population (held in the column vector P) and multiply it by A ten times. This could be accomplished with the MATLAB command

There is an easier way however. Note that in the computation above, we multiply the matrix A by itself 10 times. (This is traditional matrix multiplication, not componentwise multiplication.) We can use the exponention operator (^) as a way to indicate repeated matrix multiplications without writing them all out. Using matrix exponentiation, the MATLAB command given above can be recast as:
It is important to note that the carat (^) without a leading dot indicates repeated traditional matrix multiplication. This contrasts with the dot-carat (.^) version of the exponentiation operator which would work in a componentwise fashion, raising each entry in a matrix to the indicated power.

In our example, the command A^10*P yields the result:

a result which leads us to be very concerned about the long term viability of this population.

Tutorial Task

  1. Why is the following MATLAB statement relevant to the above model? What value does it compute for us?
  2. What MATLAB expression would give us the total number of individuals, regardless of age, in the critter population ten years hence?
  3. How would you quickly create a column vector showing the proportion of the total population in each of the age classes? This kind of information is very interesting in contexts such as the future social security system. Statements such as, "there will be only three workers for every retiree in the year 2020." come from this kind of analysis.
  4. Suppose a fertility drug is found which can increase the fecundity of two year olds, but leads to early deaths for older animals. In particular, suppose the drug increases the fecundity of two year old individuals to 2.3 births per year while the survival rates for individuals in age class 3 and 4 decrease from 0.8 to 0.6. An obvious question is whether this will increase the population of critters or not.

    To investigate this question we must update the entries in the A matrix to reflect the hypothetical introduction of the new drug. Only three entries inthe matrix A need be changed, so rather than recreate A from scratch we will make the three individual changes.

    The first change is that the birth rate for two year olds must be changed to 2.3. Since the birth rate for two year olds is found in the first row, third column of the matrix A, this change can be effected by the MATLAB command:


    Make the remaining two changes in A, changes which reflected the lowered survival rates for age classes 3 and 4.

    Begin with the same initial population (all 10's) as before. Does the population seem healthier (whatever that means) under the drug regime? How does the drug effect the age distribution of the population?

  5. For this exercise we go back to the original Leslie setup, ignoring the changes you may have made in the previous exercise.

    If fecundity rates remain unchanged, what survival rates are needed for our critter population to remain stable? What proportion of a stable population falls into each age class?

It is fun to see how populations evolve over time. Toward this end it is possible to create a three dimensional graph showing the evolution of a Leslie population over time by creating a matrix whose columns are "snapshots" of the population at various times under study.

Suppose P is the initial population (all 10's in our example). We will use the matrix TimePop to be the matrix whose columns will contain the population at given points in time. Since the first population we are interested in is the initial population, we will set the first column of TimePop to the initial population using the MATLAB command

We will use a second matrix called PP to hold the most recent population computed. Thus, PP should start off holding the initial population
The task now facing us is to generate the population vector for the next time period, add this column vector to the matrix TimePop and then do the same again, moving ahead yet another time step. This can be achieved by executing the following MATLAB commands repeatedly:
PP = A * PP; TimePop = [TimePop PP];
The first command moves the population vector PP forward one time step. The second command adds a new column to the TimePop matrix. This new column contains the most recently computed population.

Using the up-arrow key, repeat the line above 15 to 20 times, creating a TimePop matrix with many population snapshots.

Tutorial Task

    The evolution of the critter population over time can be viewed by creating a three dimensional surface plot of the array TimePop. To create this surface plot enter the following MATLAB commands and note the plot which is generated. Pay special attention to the creation of labels and the colorbar.

    ylabel('Age Class')

The colon (:) notation we discussed earlier is a convenient way to create large arrays where the entries are evenly spaced. A second use of the notation is to extract parts of existing matrices. In particular, a single colon is a reference to every row or every column in a matrix, depending on its position.

For example, the notation A(2,:) refers to every column of the second row of the matrix A, or, said another way, A(2,:) is the entire second row of A.

Similarly, B(:,5) refers to the entire fifth column of the matrix B.

Tutorial Task

  1. Continuing with the Leslie population model discussed above, what is the result of this MATLAB command?
  2. What MATLAB command would produce a plot of the population during the sixth time step?
  3. What MATLAB command would produce a plot showing the populations during both the third and sixth time steps?

Using calculators it is difficult to efficiently deal with Leslie models consisting of more than about ten age classes. Using MATLAB, however, it is relatively easy to deal with populations with dozens of age classes. Human populations are generally modeled with 101 age classes, allowing for ages between 0 and 100. It is also much easier to move far into the future, spotting long term trends.

Modifying the Leslie Model (Optional)

In this section we discuss modifications to the Leslie Population Model which describe a slightly different situation than that modeled by Leslie. This section introduces no new MATLAB skills and is present for those who want to undertake the challenge of creating a new model. I will describe the mathematics of the new model, but will leave it entirely up to you to implement the model in MATLAB. A knowledge of traditional matrix multplication, the non-componentwise variety, will be helpful.

In the Leslie model only two things can happen to individuals in an age class; they can die or they can move onto the next age class. In the model presented here we allow for a third option, remaining alive and in the same age class.

Given that it is possible to remain in the same class for several time steps, it is probably best to leave off the word age when describing these classes.

As far as I know, this version of the Leslie model has no well-known name, so we get to name the model for the purposes of this tutorial. Feeling singularly uncreative at the moment, I choose to call it Model X.

Model X requires three sets of parameters. Denote the fecundity of class i with the symbol f(i), the proportion of class i moving on to the next class at each iteration with the symbol s(i) and the proportion of each class which survives but remains behind with the symbol r(i).

Proceeding in a fashion reminiscent of the Leslie model development, if we create a model with classes numbered from zero to N, and let P(i) denote the number of individuals in class i, then we can derive the following equations which give the values of the various P(i) for the next time step in terms of the P(i) values for the current time step.

Considering, first, the values of P(i) in the next time step for classes numbered from one to N we see:

Next period's P(i+1) = s(i)*P(i) + r(i+1)*P(i+1)

This equation tells us that next year's class i+1 is made up of those individuals from this year's class i who move up a class as well as those individuals from this year's class i+1 who survive but do not advance in class. (a.k.a. flunking?) This equation holds for values of i from zero to N-1 inclusive.

A careful look at this situation reveals that we have not yet specified the population of class zero in next year's population. Recall that members of class zero are either true newborns or previous members of class zero who do not advance for some reason.

The mathematical expression which gives the number of class zero residents in next year's population is given by:

Next period's P(0)= (r(0)+f(0))*P(0) + f(1)*P(1) + f(2)*P(2) + ... + f(N)*P(N)

Pay special attention to the first term of this equation. It does not follow the pattern of the other terms.

Model X has a structure similar to the Leslie model. In fact, if P is a column vector whose N+1 entries are the populations of each class at some point in time, then there is an (N+1)x(N+1) matrix A so that the population next year can be determined by calculating the traditional matrix product


Tutorial Task

  1. For a population with six classes, use your imagination to determine values for s(i), r(i) and f(i) for each class. You can use the Leslie model example for inspiration.
  2. Using the values found above, design and create in MATLAB the 6x6 matrix A which can be used to move from one time period to the next in the model.
  3. Perform all the Tutorial Tasks from the section on Leslie models using, instead, Model X.
Last Update: 11 MAR 1997
