Course Expectations--and Tips for Success

Because you have been studying Organic Chemistry for two terms, I will expect a certain level of proficiency with concepts developed in these prior courses. If you have not mastered the following, you should consult with the instructor concerning your prospects in this course, how to rectify gaps, or whether to continue.

This course is going to cover a large number of chemical reactions (close to 150!). While memorization of reactions is a necessary element of learning this material, memorization alone will be insufficient to earn the highest grade. The material will be presented in a way to help you organize your approach. The "functional group" organization will take advantage of the fact that many transformations of a particular functional group will share elements of mechanism. This should allow you to more easily digest the rather large amount of material.

While you are free to take any approach to the course that works for you, I have the following recommendations.

You will find dozens of "How to Succeed in Organic Chemistry" sites on the Web; most of them will share elements of my tips here. Good luck!