Program - Rigidity of minimal isometric immersions

I would like to thank Todd Coffey for excellent programming assistance with the following program.

To run the program yourself you need the following files:

Read me first,

The Mathematica code for the program : save this file as "Inhomo",

Mathematica commands to construct the equations : save this file as "Full",

The trivial variables: save this file as "varDeg6",

The Maple program used for the conversion: save this file as "specific.txt",

The Maple code for step 2 : save this file as "",

The Maple code for computing the intial data : save this file as "",

Adding the conjugate relationship for the real variable : save this file as "",

Maple code for step 5 : save this file as "",

Maple code for step 6 : save this file as "",

Maple code to run steps 5 and 6 in the background : save this file as "do6.txt".