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HW assignments (problem numbers followed by * will be graded):
HW 1 (due Mon 1/23): 1.4.7(c)*,2.3.2(d)*,2.3.6,2.3.7*,2.3.8*(solutions)
HW 2 (due Mon 2/6):Homework 2 (solution to wave problem, rest of solutions)
HW 3 (due Mon 2/20): 5.3.5,5.3.6*,5.3.8*,5.5.1,5.5.3*,5.5.8*,5.5.9 (solutions)
HW 4 (due Wed 3/8 ): 5.8.1* (hint: read section 5.8), 5.8.5, 5.8.6*,5.8.8,9.3.5*,9.3.9*,9.3.10 (solutions)
HW5 (due Th 3/23. the day of the final exam; note: this HW is optional):9.3.7, 9.3.8,9.3.22*, 9.3.23, 9.3.26(c)*, rest of 9.3.26
