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Homework assignments:
Note that late HW is not accepted!
Monthly HW assignments (collected):
HWI: 1.3(28, but assume that F=R), 1.4(15), 1.5(15), 1.6(13,16).
HWII: 2.1(14), 2.2(12), 2.4(16), 2.5(11), 3.2(21).
HWIII: 4.2(30), 4.3(24), 5.1(20), 5.2(18), 5.4 (17).
Weekly HW assignments (not collected):
Wk 2 (ends Fr 8/31):1.3(6,8,12,21), 1.4 (11,12,16), 1.5(6,9,16) .
Wk 3 (ends Fr 9/7): read+understand proof of Corollary 2 on p47, 1.6(2c,6,7,15,22) (Labor Day Mon 9/3).
Wk 4 (ends Fr 9/14):1.6(32), 2.1 (5,9,15,24,28), 2.2(4,10, read + understand statements and proofs of Thm 2.6 and its Corollary on p72/73) (HW I due on Wed 9/12).
Wk 5 2.2(11,13) 2.3(3,4)(ends Fr 9/21): (Ex I on Fr 9/21; review on Wed 9/19).
Wk 6 (ends Fr 9/28):2.3(10,11), 2.4(2f,5,6,14), reading: section 2.3:thm 2.10,2.12,2.14,2.15.
Wk 7 (ends Fr 10/5):2.5(2c,3b,9,10) .
Wk 8 (ends Fr 10/12): 3.1(8,12), 3.2(5f/g,14,18,19,6d), 3.3(2c/d).
Wk 9 (ends Fr 10/19):3.3(5,6,7d),3.4(2d/f,3,7) (HW II due on Wed 10/17) .
Wk 10 (ends Fr 10/26):4.1(1a,b,c 2,3,9,10) (Ex II on Fr 10/26; review on Wed 10/24).
Wk 11 (ends Fr 11/2):4.2(4,9,17,22,28),4.3(5,9,10,20) .
Wk 12 (ends Fr 11/9):5.1(2c,3c/d,8,9,14,15) (Homecoming Fr 11/9).
Wk 13 (ends Fr 11/16):5.2 (3d,5,8,11,12,19) (Veterans Day Mon 11/12) .
Wk 14 (ends Fr 11/23): (Thanksgiving Holiday Wed/Thu/Fr 11/21-23).
Wk 15 (ends Fr 11/30):5.4(2d,3b/c,6d,9d,) (HW III due on Fr 11/30, Review on Fr 11/30).
Wk 16 (ends Fr 12/7): (Ex III on Wed 12/5).