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Homework assignments: (All refer to the 5th edition of the textbook!)
Note that late HW is not accepted!

Monthly HW assignments (collected):
HWI: Solve the differential equation dy/dx=1-y^4, 2.2 (34), 2.3 (30), 2.4 (33) .
HWII: 4.5 (46), 4.6 (20), 4.7 (44) .
HWIII: 7.4 (36),7.5 (38),7.7(20), 7.8 (29).

Practice Exams:
Practice Exam I: 1.3 (7), p 82: 17,23, 32.
Practice Exam II: p 250-251: 13, 23, 31, 36.
Practice Exam III: p.444-445 (review chap 7): 12, 27, 31, problems for chapter 5, see weekly HW week 15.

Weekly HW assignments (not collected):
