Time and place:
MWF 2nd Period (8:30-9:20), LIT 127.
Patrick De Leenheer
Office: 411 Little Hall
Office Hours: MWF 3rd Period (9:35-10:25) or by appointment.
Email: deleenhe@math.ufl.edu
URL: www.math.ufl.edu/~deleenhe
Grade of C or better in MAP 2302 and in either MAS 3114 or MAS 4105.
Fundamentals of Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems,
4th Edition, by R. Kent Nagle and Edward B. Saff.
Course Objectives:
Continuation of the study of ordinary differential equations (ODE's).
Linear systems and their solutions.
2-dimensional (non)linear systems, phase-plane analysis and stability theory.
Power series as solutions to certain ODE's leading to special functions.
Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems.
We will cover chapters 9, 12, 8, and 11 of the text (in that order).
Course grades will be determined by your performance on 4
graded homework assignments and 4 in class exams.
Late HW is not accepted.
The weights are: 20% for all HW, 20% per exam.
In addition to the graded HW, there will be weekly HW assignments which will not be collected/graded.
Although you are allowed to work in groups on the graded HW, every student is
required to turn in his or her copy of solutions.
Grading Scale (maximum of 100%):
A: [>=85%] B+: [76-84%] B: [70-75%] C+: [65-69%] C: [60-64%] D+: [55-59%] D: [50-54%] E: [<50%]
Guidelines, tips, How to study and prepare for exams? etc:
Although the weekly HW assignments will not be collected, I strongly encourage you to
work on these problems in a timely fashion. They will prepare you for the next classes,
deepen your understanding, and reveal where you have certain deficiencies with
the material covered up to that point. My personal experience is that if you
don't keep up with these weekly HW's you will find yourself behind quickly only to spend the
rest of the semester trying to catch up. As we all know,
is the mother of all evil, so don't let it get that far!
In parallel you should also attempt to solve the graded HW assignments.
I urge you not to postpone working on these problems until the week or evening before they
are due as they will generally require substantial time for you to solve. As a guideline I would say
that each problem would take most students about an afternoon or evening,
and I expect there will be about 5 problems per assignment.
The problems on the exams will be very similar in nature to those assigned, so you can draw your
own conclusions ... Of course, due to the time constraint
of 50 minutes for an in class exam, you can expect the exam problems to be substantially shorter. Typically, before
each exam there will be a review session. The purpose of this session is to discuss the problems of a practice
exam that I will post online beforehand. In addition you can ask me about any doubts/issues you may have
regarding/with the exam material.
I am not taking attendance for this class, but some material covered will not be in
the textbook. So my personal opinion is that showing up for class is a good idea.
It is each student's responsibility to know what exactly has been taught. In particular,
in general there will not be any handouts of lecture notes on such additional topics, and
the instructor will not teach this material again during
office hours or via email to students who have missed a class.
University policy on accommodations for students with
"Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with
the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide
documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation
to the Instructor when requesting accommodation."