Time and place:
MWF 3rd Period (9:35-10:25), LIT 233.
Patrick De Leenheer
Office: 411 Little Hall
Phone: 352-392-0281 ext. 240 (but I prefer email!).
Office Hours: MWF 4th Period (10:40-11:30) or by appointment.
Email: deleenhe@math.ufl.edu
URL: www.math.ufl.edu/~deleenhe
MAA 5229.
Carmen Chicone: Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications (Springer).
We will cover the first 3 chapters of the text.
Course objectives:
Qualitative theory of (non)linear ordinary differential equations; existence, uniqueness and
continuity of solutions, extension of solutions; (asymptotic) stability, Lyapunov functions; limit
sets, Poincare-Bendixson's Theorem; linear systems, exponential map, stability criteria, stability
of nonlinear systems by linearization; Floquet theory for linear periodic systems; applications
(mainly from mechanics).
Course grades will be determined by your performance on
homework problems and 1 class presentation.
Grading Scale (maximum of 100%):
A: [>=85%] B+: [76-84%] B: [70-75%] C+: [65-69%] C: [60-64%] D+: [55-59%] D: [50-54%] E: [<50%]
University policy on accommodations for students with
"Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with
the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide
documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation
to the Instructor when requesting accommodation."