Portfolios Wiki whitepapers:notation
2020-01-26T22:59:09-08:00Portfolios Wiki
Students Confuse Primed Variables with Derivatives
In our opening junior course we freuently used primes on variables to distinguish between two different variables. It wasn't until after we taught the course that we captured a student discussion where students expressed great frustration with this, because the only previous time they had seen primes was with derivatives. Thus students didn't realize that were simply looking at two different “r's” (for example). Instead students were ofte…text/html2011-07-27T10:33:39-08:00whitepapers:notation:start
A number of problems that middle-division students seem to have with physics content are actually problems with notation:
conventions for spherical coordinates
FIXME The following three papers are from the Vector Calculus Bridge Project Instructor's Guide. Put a link here. Wikify these sections. Add to the Bridge book and put a link.